
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Golf + Read

Hi Jammers! No update today, probably one next Thursday.
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Putting Green.....
Now you can play Putt-Putt in your den! When you click the golf ball it circles the hole and falls in. 
Original Color: Red Flag
 The Aquarium has released a new video....
Did you know that Animal Jam is coming out with a Book?
That is right, this July Animal Jam will have an Official Insider's Guide! That will be fun!
 Also, AJHQ has made a new pop-up box when you report someone.
*Picture from Shalaka
You can easily block a user from reporting them, thanks AJHQ!

Here are the results of the Favorite Land Poll....
Seems like 1st Place is Jamaa Township
2nd is Sarepia Forest
3rd Temple of Zios
Jammer Art posted on the Art Mini Blog
Sky Blog Egg Hunt Coming 4/12/14
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I suspect the book will come with say a one month membership or 15 diamonds, some perk yes? >.<

    1. I can't wait for the book to come out!
      Its kind of funny how yesterdays item was golf clubs.
      Maybe its sports season.
      P.S. I don't play many sports so idk when sports season is.

    2. I do indeed hope so. Anyway, I wonder what secrets will be revealed...

    3. It's coming out in July >:U
      Btw thank you so much scooter, I logged into AJpaleggs and I was like, lalala what's new... And then I saw I won discover day :D

    4. Maybe just another 3 day membership like on the national geographic kids used to...

    5. @AJpaleggs . In the UK the book is not coming out to the 12th of august


  2. No, I do not believe so. But I do know that it probably will not have spoiler information. I have played AJ for a long time; I know a lot about it. But who knows, there could be a Jamaa mystery in every world! Or a secret den item! AJHQ knows....

  3. AJ i play everyday this book could hold very few stuff I know


  4. i sent the pic yep shalaka is the email i use

  5. I told Scooter about it! :D


  6. There's a new code called Kama

  7. Is there a comment call?

  8. AJHQ DID updated something its in the Kimbara Outback.
    I don't know if its for members or non members cuz i didn't went there or bought one


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