
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Giraffes are Back!

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers! The Update is here and with it, it has brought back Giraffes....
Yay! The Giraffes have came traveling back. Unfortunately not with anything, which is okay!
Here is some big news.....
Lets see it looks like a Hyena skin for the first one! Maybe they are dogs, since they look like dog prints. 
Also, AJHQ wants to say thanks for keeping Jamaa safe. Your Welcome! 
 The Hard Mode for the Search for Greely is here.....
That is the prize and by far the best armor set in my opinion!!
 Here are just some of the armor pieces...
Pretty Pawesome!
Earth Day is right around the corner...
I have a two big surprises coming soon to the blog for Earth Day!
 In the Medical Center there is a new display for giraffes while you wait for the doctor.....
Also, there is a new button if you noticed...
Finally a Repost Chat Button! Just hit the button..
Click on something you have said and want to say again. That is useful!
 There is one more Jam-A-Gram added to the back....
 Fun little buddy playing in the mud ^.^
The Jammer Central has posted a new calendar....
Eat em' up is x2 gems this week.
Another thing, I couldn't find any new item in any store. I probably just don't see it, but sorry I can't find it XD

Sky News________________

The Sky Egg Hunt is paused for today because of the update, but it will start back up tomorrow!
Jammer Art posted on the Art Mini Blog
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What do you think of the update? (New Animals, Armor, etc.)


  1. I just met you Scooter! Thanks you for doing this. Is a rare raspberry bow or a headdress better?

    1. OMG a headdress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw i got 2 headdresses XD


    2. Scooter i'm leaving starting tomorrow i'll be gone for 5 days to visit my grandparents so i wont get any of the eggs DX

    3. Sorry to hear that! We will miss you 3berrygirl! Come back soon!!


  2. Btw, the repost chat doesn't work for non members, ro at least not for mine!

    1. Same thing with me, it won't work. Oh well! And great post!


      A contest is going on ^-^

    2. I made a story for your contest!

  3. i found the chat thing earlier 2day XD and YAY giraffes :D:D:D:D:D but....................... i cant get one :( i wish they came back wen i was a member


  4. Just to prevent scamming AJHQ changed something on the Jam-a-grams..
    They changed that only members can accept and send items T.T why is AJHQ treating non members like this??
    And i'm pretty sure since memberships came to animal jam it was the end of non-member's joy! :"(
    The new animal is a Hyena and its not a dog and i'm sure of it cuz no dog can have a huge one like that and i'm pretty sure its for members and AJHQ will never put a dog on animal jam cuz they only put animals that are from the wild

    1. P.S
      Non-Member Gloves are now RARE-they might be back on the rare item monday
      Why does AJHQ like members anyway?Even though they pay they like members??!!
      They said it them selves be fair D:< but AJHQ is not doing fair!!!!
      I know disney wrecked club penguin but its not that bad it improved a little for non members but National Geographic really wrecked Animal Jam :(

    2. i love club penguin i buy many mships der they r cool they offer it in many currency

    3. They only offer one week free membership to UK penguins :(

    4. I got free mship from. Y school ryan in india!

  5. Oh animal jam is fine for nonmembers. At least non-members can do adventures, they can buy dens, and do games. I have been on a ton of sites that so unfair to nonmembers.


  6. Scooter. How do you make a blog about animal jam? I have one but its not about aj so can you tell me how you made yours?

    1. I'm not scooter, but he made his blog usuing Blogger. Blogger's an extention to Google, in which you can costomize and create your own blog. The majority of blogger blogs are probably about AJ lol :3
      Hope this helped... sorry Scooter I know your probably busy just wanted to help out D:

    2. Hi 3berrygirl! Smarty is right, I use Blogger. I suggest if you want to make a blog it takes dedication and lots of time. Thanks!!


  7. Hmm for animals the paw prints, is it a pet or an acual animal. Hmm, non mems i have a question are graiffs non member bye!

  8. The new item is the porch swing ~ Littlebunny21885

  9. Dun dun dun dunndundundee The new item is a porch swing :0
    Or is it...
    Dun dun dun dunndundundee

  10. the soid brown on looks like a grizzly bear i submitted the idea at the diamond shop for a bear animal

    1. Great Idea!!But i think you should use "contact us" better

  11. I can't seem to finish the search for greely hard mode, it is really glitchy.

  12. COOL!!! I REALLY WANT A GIRAFFE!! OOPS CAPS LOCK! There!! Ok as i was saying im not a member yet but i may earn one :) Me and meh mom made a deal. Look, im not tellin the deal because its SUPER pearsonal ( srry for bad spellin!!) Well all for now!!!!
    ~hana40276 (other acounts) bunnies123abc, wolvesrock98115 :) ~

    1. Why didn't you just changed the caps into small letters?Instead of saying-"COOL!!! I REALLY WANT A GIRAFFE!! OOPS CAPS LOCK!"
      However,It does express your feeling ;)

  13. Fun update! I really wish the animals are not canines again... they're too overrated in AJ, but I'm still excited for the new animal.

    1. Well there is three felines, just saying.

  14. To be honest the tgree paws might be an idea I have been suggesting for months to AJ now. I submited an idea for a big cats party. Where all the cat animals can hang out in a purr-fectnparty. (Yes those are the exact words I used)
    Bkcrazies0 aka Spiritstone


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