
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Eagles, Eggs, + Sol Den

Hey Jammers! BIG Spring update today! Here is the first page....
They are so chubby, and cute ^-^
When you click them, they make an Ice Cream Cone or a Unicorn cloud that follows you around!
 Below is the regular Eagle Pet Stop....
A new armor set is here.....
Mystical Armor is for sale in the Armor part of the Diamond Shop...
One of my favorite celebrations in Jamaa History has started, the Spring Egg Hunt! I am not going to tell you all the places, because that is the point of the Spring Egg Hunt! Have fun with it, and if you need help just comment and ask.
I will however show you the prize....
Unfortunately, there is a glitch that only nonmembers can get the prize!

The Sol Arcede Den is for sale in the Diamond Shop, and it is soooooo BIG!
 I bought the den so if you want to see it, just go to chocolate4050 anytime to check it out!!
And Giraffes are coming back from their 1 year journey!! Congrats, giraffes!!
The April Fools Party is still going on this week so get those items while you can.....
Thanks AJHQ for giving jammers 20 slots now! Room for more rooms ;)
 The spelling Bee is back.....
The temple of Trivia is x2 gems. Speaking of x2 gems, Phantom Treasure is also worth double gems....
The April Calendar is now in Jammer Central!

The New Item in the Epic Wonders Den Shop is a Sir Gilbert Dolls....
He is smaller than Peck O.o
Did you see the new clearance signs?
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Seagulls....

I will announce the Party information tomorrow! 

Congrats Meowcats1228's pet for bing Pet of the Month for April!
Sky Scenes New Episode tomorrow!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!!


  1. So getting that den and the pet I have 8 gems so the perfect amount probably

  2. THX SOOOOOOOOO MUCH SCOOTER! I'm becoming non-member though........


  3. lol shes my sister XD meowcat1228 is


  4. I think the "Pet of The Month" post was very ineresting, and cool. I couldn't enter because I was doing a dumb stupid test. :(


  5. i got all eggs and no prize some people got theres and some did not.

    hope i get one soon.


  6. Yes!! I can buy everything!! Saving diamonds pays off! And GIRAVES. ARE COMIGN. BACK. FINALLY. I'M REALLY HAPPY.

    -over exited Burr

    1. (wait oh no i just realized how extremely vein that sounded i'm really sorry i do hope you can give pardon,,,, hhhh)


    2. Wait. And if giraffes are coming back. Does that mean a new land is coming WITH THEM? o:

      -Burr (again)

    3. Omg a new land!?!?!
      I wasn't here when giraffes left so I SUPER EXCITED!!!!!

  7. Hey Scooter! It's blurmercer03! I don't wanna brag or anything, but I had one my school spelling bee and I had went to the Regional one. Whoever won it there, got to go to The National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C! I didn't win, but I got 8th place out of 29 people. I love doing spelling bees!

  8. Hey Scooter? Why did you pick Meowcats1228's pet as the pet of the month? Why didn't you pick snowleopard's pet as the pet of the month? I mean, if you're going to pick him as the jammer of the month, why not his pet?

    1. Well, that was the main reason for Pet of the Month. It is a chance for more jammers to be shown on the blog. Instead of showing one jammer once a month, we can now show two jammers. It is fun, more variety, and makes jammers happy.


    2. Why did you pick HER?

    3. She comments on the blog very often and gets involved. She is nice to jammers and I haven't chosen her before to win anything.



    That's not the spelling bee. The Geographic Bee is when young minds from all over the country answer questions on geographic places, like different countries.

  10. srry for commenting late, it was the last day of the test and i had homework, the pet eagles look cute and the new den is pawsome i am relieved jiraffes r finally coming its been like 1 year and the golden eggs r cool. i like the new backround and i am gonna start playing aj now XD

  11. Nice blog colours :) I was just recently on and went to your den, and it was awesome! even better, you were there! I was the black eagle with dark blue lightning bolts btw. :) your blog is amazing!

  12. MY SITE IS GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW EVERYTHING IS IN FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!

    1. Go to the top left column of the blog and change the Translation.


    2. I did that but now my name is Madamozell Crevettchou-chou. ?


  13. Love your new design!

  14. Hey Scooter the Jam-a-grams are updated ya know :3
    I was about to comment this last night but Connection was lost DX

  15. Hay I love your user scooter it wood be great to meet you some time my user is dragonflame4556

  16. i love eagles!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wish they were nm


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