
Monday, March 10, 2014

Rare Flag + Armor

Welcome Jammers! 8 More Days till the Blog 1 Year Anniversary!
The Jam Mart Clothing Store has released Rare Flags on the second page....
 Looks: ****
Jamaasian: *****
I think this makes a great Rare item to add to Jamaa!
The Aquarium has released a new video....

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Traveling Pandas....
Isn't that chubby panda just so cute ^-^

In the Chamber of Knowledge, there is a set of Spartan Armor. Where did this come from? Was there a major battle against the phantoms? Who wore this armor? An alpha such as Sir Gilbert? Notice that there is a Blue Shield on the front of the chest plate. Is Blue a symbol of Mira? 
Comment Call: Solve this mystery!

The winner of the Party Planner Contest is numnum13...
The picture above is about her winning idea of a Blue Heron Party...
"You are on the Blue Heron. It has been expanded to a much larger boat. Statues of all shamans and alphas are at the top, and when you dance for them, their spirits come out. Statues of Mira and Zios are at the very highest level (just a step above the shamans) and when 25 Jammers dance in front of Mira, AJHQ gets a notification and they get on Animal Jam as Mira and talk to the Jammers there about Jamaa's history. In the clothing shop is a Phantom Glove (for fighting phantoms), a Phantom Shield (for defending against phantoms), a Headfeather, and a Bow and Arrows. The colour of these Bow and Arrows are different than the colour of the 2013 Jamaaliday bows and arrows. In the den shop, there is a Mossy Stone Wall, a Seasonal Mira Statue (like the one in Jamaa Township), a Fallen Zios Statue (like the one in Lost Temple of Zios, but without the special phantom effects) and golden statues of all shamans and alphas. Everything is non-member. All Jammers are welcome. Everything is about 500-1000 gems. The Seasonal Mira Statue and the Fallen Zios Statue are 3000 gems. There will also be games like the phantom portals that come out during Night of the Phantoms, but you will get tons of gems from it so you can bu
y the Jamaasian-themed items. The ship travels along the river that goes through Jamaa. If you are wearing wings or you are an eagle, you can fly off the ship a little bit and look down at the water. The music costs 500 gems. It is kind of like Mystical Morning."
Congrats! Remember to pick a prize from the list on the Contests Page!

Miss Chillylily has been eliminated!
Comment Call: Vote another jammer out! 
(Arctic Wolf is safe for 1 week)

Keep Voting on those polls!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Thanks for making me win!

  2. I vote Explorer Frozenjammer. Good job though!

  3. I vote out fuzzy artic joy. Sorry.
    Today's rare Monday item is really cool too bad I'm on vacation :(

  4. dynomite975 i will buy it for you maybe.

  5. I stand by what i said before i vote out Rosy Icypaw

    1. Sincerely,coolpapa70232

    2. i vote out Rosy Icypaw


  6. Maybe it wasn't worn by animals, since it looks humany, maybe some animals took it from the human world

  7. Fuzzy Arcticjoy.


  8. rosy icy paw good try though....

    welldone winner of the party i think its a verry good idear!!

    congrats on the epic den scooter i went to se it too! lol


  9. Explorer Frozen jammer

  10. I vote out Fuzzy Arcticjoy. Good job though.

    For the comment call, I think the armor is a relic from days past before the current alphas. It was worn by a great warrior when the lands battled each other. Then the phantoms came Mira helped the lands put aside their differences to vanquish their common enemy! It was then that the blue seal of Mira was painted on the front. All the animals wore similar armor in the great battle. It is kept now in the Chamber of Knowledge to remind us of what was sacrificed to bring us the current peace we enjoy.


  11. i vote out prince the proud sorry nice outfit though
    P.S Good job for the Blue heron party

  12. I think the armor was Liza's armor. It seems like it would fit her best. She used to wear it while battling phantoms, but when she decided that she wanted to fight the phantoms in a different way (other than direct contact) she put it aside and trained the Jammers instead. It is in the Chamber of Knowledge so that all the Jammers can see it and appreciate what Liza dod for us.

  13. Haha, and I'm LittleBlueHeron! I would so go to that party ^3^

  14. Comment Call: i called ajhq and asked and they said that Sir Gilbert was on a qquest to bring a group of alphas to protect jamaa! And Sir Gilbert wore the armor to protect himself from any dangerous things. The armor wass from his dad, who fought some phanntoms before.
    USER: pinky522

  15. I vote incredible arctic wolf out.

  16. I vote Fuzzy ArcticJoy out.....


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