
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Map + April Sign-Ups

Hey Jammers!
The Sunken Treasure Shop has released Treasure Maps!
It looks like a map from an Adventure! Also, if you click the map a little cute crab comes out from beneath it! Cool item!
The Daily Explorer posted an exciting article....
Yes, they gave us a code! The code is: THANKS
Imprisoned Phantoms have returned!
AJHQ has also posted Jammer Art which I posted on the Art Mini Blog.

I might as well and surprise you all now....
So above is the Comment Call! Sign-Ups end March 27th, 2014 and the winner will be announced on April 1st, 2014! Good Luck!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. use: ilovemyfamily153666
    non member
    I really want to be the jammer of the month because it just looks awesome and I have never done it before :)

  2. i want to be jammer of the month on april, the reason why is because i havee tried to comment evry day, have been particpating in the new polls and i love the blue th monkey comics. i love this blog and even one discoveryday and i never was jammer of the month, i dont care about the prize cause i just wanna show a good example to all jammers.

  3. oh i forgot (i'm a member)

  4. I'm LittleBlueHeron ^_^
    My status is Member :D
    My reason: Ever since I saw this blog have a featured person WITH a gift, I thought, why not? It's so cool! And I've been giving non members betas, like fern, beta claw machine, etc..

  5. KingstonShepard
    I'd like to be jammer of the month because Its sounds awesome

  6. User: AJpaleggs
    I'm member...
    And the reason is because the moment you commented your blog on AJ Splatter, I visited AJ Sky Blog all the time. I love how you make your banners and headers and signatures too. And you post before snowyclaw usually :D

    1. I quit blogging and switched accounts though o3o

  7. User- CMO1st
    Im a nonmember :D
    Reason- i have never been the jammer of the month, and i LOVE your blog andyou find ALL the new iteams XD


    1. and P.S. I am ur buddy and i follow my rules :D


  8. I just want to say good luck to all you jammers that want to be jammer of the month! I was HGHanimallover and got it for February, so thank you! Also, if you don't get it this time, try try again!!! Oh and I changed my user to be Hawk13

  9. I think snowlepardcubs should be jammer of the month.

  10. I also nominate littlebunny21885 she is the nicest person in the whole world and the best friend a person could have! She is having a hard home life right now but is always in good spirits!

  11. Hi! I'm blurmercer03! I am a member but only for 9 more days. So, when you call this off, I will probably be a nonmember. Anyways, the reason I want to be Jammer of the Month is because it looks really cool ,and I don't wanna be the girl that stands in the corner that never talks to anyone. I wanna be heard! When I go to Jamaa, I want people to say "Hey! I know you!" But, Scooter, if you don't pick me, that will be perfectly fine. Thanks!

  12. User: dooda123
    Status: member
    Reason: I think it would be really cool to be Jammer of the Month on one of the blogs I visit most. It would also be quite a honor to be chosen. It would be just amazing to get to be Jammer of the Month on one of my favorite and the most creative blog.

  13. My AJ username is Quintanna, I'm nonmember, and I would really love to be the April Jammer of the Month more than I can say. I got really excited when I saw this post because I don't think I've ever been a Jammer of the month before on any blog. In addition, I've been a bit lonely on AJ and I could really use some more friends. If I become Jammer of the Month, maybe people will send me a few buddy requests. I really hope I get in! Thanks,

  14. Avabug01
    I am a member
    my reason is... I have not been on the blog long but I still think it's amazing
    About me just so you know. I love bunnies and cats. I once saw a (newer) person get scammed so I gave them a shark fin, nr bow, and something else... But I seriously love all my buddies and anyone who doesn't bug me.

  15. I'm Meowcats1228
    I'm member
    I really want to be the Jammer of The Month because I love this blog and IT'S IS THE BEST BLOG I HAVE EVER SEEN!! I am NOT kidding about that. But I don't think you'll pick me because I don't have a blogger acount.......... :(


  16. I would feel terrible nominating myself...
    But maybe you could check out my den for the Epic Sky Dens? *smiles hopefully* XD


  17. user- metaknight628
    why- i love your blog so much, its the best blog ever!!!!!!!!!

  18. User: xavier883 (you know me)
    Reason: i want to be te jammer of the month because I love your blog And because my Bday is in April (the 21st) Abd I've always wanted to be the jotm (Jammer of the Month)

  19. My username is coolpapa70232
    I am a member
    I love this blog I visited the party and I even interviewed Scooter


  20. User christmas0910
    Status member
    Reason I really want more people to know about my cause to make aj a better place by helping new jammers stopping scammers and being nice to everyone and this is my FAVORITE blog EVER

  21. User: Kitkat8529
    Status: Member
    Reason: This blog is awesome! It is even more reliable than the AJ spirit blog (no offence to spirit jammers)! It is the best and I always use it. Plus, I never scam, never seek attention (e.g mailtime) and overall I'm quite quiet.

  22. User blueberryb
    Reason i visit this blog every day and comment when I can . Your blog is amazing and you should be proud of it

  23. Check out this Eagle Cam


  24. Hi Scooter!
    My user is singelena
    My status: I honestly don't know I'm supposed to be a non member but I'm still a member.
    Why: I love the Animal Jam Sky and I love Animal Jam! The Animal Jam Sky has inspired me to make my own blog, I dislike scamming, hacking, and any bad behavior on Animal Jam! I would be overjoyed if you picked me for the Jammer of the month!

    -singelena (please visit my blog!)

  25. Username: azuka1231
    Status: Nonmember
    Reason: I want to be the jammer of the month because it sounds super fun and also your blog made animal jam look so so so fun and you only you have encouraged me to play animal jam. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been even PLAYING animal jam. Thank you so so so much, I REALLY appreciate it:)

  26. Hi!
    Username- m0nkeygirl6
    Status- member ... For now...
    ReAsOnS!!- XD Umm... I would love to be jammer of the month because... Your my idol when it comes to blogs! I want my blog to be just like yours! ( Animal Jam Bloop) I'm not having much luck with that though! XD
    I also come to this blog everyday when I am on the computer! ( Which is ALOMST everyday! :O) I know a lot of things about this blog, entered your contests, went to your party and more! I even follow this blog! I love to comment as much as I can.
    I always feel a little selfish or greedy (or something...) when I do this because I am almost like... Bragging...? I don't always like telling people what I am good at or anything like that... :L
    well, this has been fun!
    P.S Do you play Minecraft?

  27. Love the new item! (please check it out!)

  28. Username: pinky522
    Sta: member
    Reason: i love ajsb and i want to b known on here plus my dream is to be jammerof month on here btw

  29. User: Puffy56686
    Statue: mem
    Reasonz: im not rare or anything and nobody knows me :( and i would like a start becuz im gonna b startin a blog soon and i want ppl to know me and say: hey wasnt he jammer of the month in april ? So ya

  30. My username is melimeow.
    I'm member.
    I want be the jammer of month because is this my favorite blog,i visit it everyday!I'm a big fan of your work. And april,oh its a perfect month ^-^! 14th April is my bday and i love 1st april,is a very funny day >.<! Animal jam is my favorite game 4ever :D ! I will be very happy when i be accepted. Thank you for your time.

    To : choclate4050
    With love,melimeow :3

    Good luck for you all!!!


  31. I am everett19912
    I am a memver
    I really want to be it because I have always wanted to be featured on this blog. I have been starting to comment daily because I found out how to comment.Please listen to this and consider this. Thanks!

  32. Hi I'm pupp1266, non member but has been a member previously.
    I think I should be jammer of the month because I help others. I am a big part of,but not the creator. My computer and laptop are both not working so can't log onto anything from my kindle. I have done multiple hop for hopes, which is when start hopping in the middle of town for a cause. I've done it for the Connecticut shooting and the Boston bombing. As for the blog, I help non members get colored items for free.
    Thanks! Good luck to everyone.pupp1266

  33. i would like to be the jammer of the month because i am rare i have never been it and i have never scammed im a member and my user is tig47498

  34. Pixitgem
    reason-just a fun thing to do and try you inspired me to make my blog!

  35. user missdarlingjammer.

    i am a member.

    reason i have never been jammer of the month before i am never going to make a blog for 2 reasons 1 i dont want to take you veiwers 2 i dont think i would be as good as you. and people make fun of me because i sometimes make a spelling mistake because i am dislexic and if i was jammer of the month people wuld think i was cooler!


  36. Name: bkcrazies0
    Why would be considered a Jammer of the Month?
    Well, I am usually a nice jammer who likes to make friends with anyone. If there is ever anyone in need of anything, like an item or comfort, I am always there for support and advice. I also,love having parties at my den so jammers can relax, chat and trade with each other. It would mean a lot to be pick for something as stupendous as this.

  37. Username: wingofthesun
    Status: Member
    Reason: Well... I always try to be the best jammer possible, and I try to help jammers when ever I can. I also stand up to bullies and scammers, and I've always loved your blog. I'm not trying to brag, but... It's the truth. :)

  38. Im Bunnibear15 and im a nonmember. I want to be the JOTM because i LOVE your blog it would be AWESOME if you pick me


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
3.) No Advertising Your Websites Please
The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.