
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Aquamarine Birthstone

Happy March! Epic Wonders has released this month's correct birthstone...
Aquamarine means ocean  and sea! It is a beautiful birthstone.
Sarepia Theater has released a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about AJHQ&A...
They always remind me of Finding Nemo! Great Movie!

This is not really a glitch, rather than an update by AJHQ. We used to be able to climb the Appondale tree, but now only Eagles can fly up there. In the end, it makes sense because I mean Pandas, Rhinos, and other animals can't climb trees. Thanks for everyone who told me about this update!

The Poll has ended...
We will be having Lucky Fashion Show Sign-Ups TOMORROW! So check back here then!

New Background and Labels!
HGHanimallover is the Jammer of the Month!
jam52099 won yesterday's Discover Day!

Comment Call: Do you like the Blog changes? Are you ready for a Fashion Show?


  1. I love the changes and I'm ready!
    And scooter it won't work what you told me :(


    1. Sorry to here that! I suggest looking up on Google to see if others had the same problem as you. Good Luck!


  2. I knew about that. Cloudclaws had it on her blog a few days a go.


  3. Thanks! I can't wait for Lucky Fashion Show sign ups! Congrats on the jammer of the month, HGHanimallover! I do love your new blog design!

  4. I hate uscooteruneverpick mrfor anything

    1. That's not nice! That's cyber bullying! And it's illegal! Ou should think before you send.

    2. That's not nice! You can't hate someone just because they never pick you. I don't get picked and I'm not complaining!

    3. Sorry? The Discover Days are randomly chosen using Random Number Generator. Jammer of the Months are chosen based on how often you are participating with the blog. (Commenting, Contests, Polls, Emails, etc.) And remember there are a lot of jammers on this blog so everyone needs turn.


  5. Hey scooter its me snowleopardcubs just wanted to shoutout for all the peeps that won! Also great idea with fashion show and also I hope I can statt commenting evry day

  6. how do u sign up for the fashion show????


    1. Sign-Ups for the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Lucky Fashion Show will be on tomorrow's post. They will give you instructions on how to enter.


  7. Ugh, Can I be for April? Maybe like a Bday Present or Something cause I was born in April

    1. For a good chance for being next month's Jammer of the Month keep commenting, entering contests, and participating on the blog. And remember there are a lot of jammers on this blog so everyone needs turn.


  8. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I can't believe I'm jammer the month!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I love your new blog design, the top picture is awesome!!!! And about the fashion show, do we have to send you pics of your animal because I can't.

    1. Well done on getting jammer of the month :)

    2. No, I will be taking the pictures. More instructions on tomorrow's post!


  9. our animal i meant

  10. the new update makes sense, but it makes me want a eagle even more! why are you torturing me like this ajhq? ugh... a fashion show again?!

    1. Sorry... you don't have to enter the fashion show. It was on a poll and it won.


  11. I tried climbing the tree a day after eagles and I feel like it'd be better if AJHQ would let us continue going there since it's a good place for videos and pics...

    Check out my blog!

  12. You know, the tree thing is unfair. Some animals can't climb trees, but what about the animals that do? Wolves, monkeys, foxes, can climb trees (research), why would they take away something for everyone, and give it to one animal?

  13. Aww. Im gonna miss climbing trees. too bad im not a member. I love the post though! you do a great jod scooter!


  14. I might want to enter the fashion show. i will wait for more info tommorow and let u know ok?

  15. Comment call: Yes, no.

  16. comment call no, and i dont want to be involved with the fashion show and a party would have been a million timesd better

    1. I will have a party around March 18th for the 1 Year Anniversary!


    2. yay!!!! cant wait for the party!
      -- nbcnc

  17. I am ready for the fashion show! ^-^

    Is it ok if I send my pic through email?

  18. I was trying to buy a house the sunken ship and the house den thingy...
    Anyway it appeared new item on top even if it wasn't a new item.I think Its a glitch
    Im ready for the fashion show but I don't use my gmail much often...
    Good Luck Guys!

  19. I don't use my EMAIL much...
    I wanna enter fashion show though....
    If you can could you enter me through my Animal Jam account?
    If you can do my eagle...
    I hope you can do it for me ;) I would much appreciate it.

    I'm CopyKittyCat

  20. i am applying for the fashion show look at my tiger avatar on aj my use is snowleopardcubs


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