
Friday, February 21, 2014

Telescopes have returned

Hi Jammers! The Telescope has returned to stores this time in Outback Imports...
It used to be in the Chamber of Knowledge. This makes a great antique den item.
The Aquarium has a new video:

The Daily Explorer posted a new article about Eagles...
I love flying over Jamaa! I am upset that nonmember can't fly though. I went to go on an adventure with my eagle, but look:
So that means that there are now "Land Animals", "Underwater Animals", and "Sky Animals". 
The Monday Mystery will be about Eagle adventures this Monday!

Comment Call: Comment the location of the image above, for a chance to win a prize!

Clearance Tab updated
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. my username is snowleopardcubs and its in the chamber of knowlege

    1. The chamber of knowlege is in ZIOS btw -snowleopardubs-

  2. I have answer a bunch a questions but never gotten a prize and I know I have answer them right :T

  3. Temple Of Zios


  4. The mask is in The Temple Of Knowledge. Happy Friday XD --Ambert--

  5. well, i think that every non member is upset that they can't fly.
    and the mask is in the chamber of knowledge in the lost temple of zios

  6. I truly think it is unfortunate that the first sky animal isn't for all jammers. However, I do think Animal Jam will update with animal for all jammers soon. I mean There is always a water animal for every jammer and a land one so it makes sense an animal that can fly will be in the near future.
    Also, Scooter if you ever need a banner made for your blog I'd be very happy to help! i designed my banner and I have some background in photoshop/paint.


    1. I agree! I want one so bad but I never can save up....

  7. It i think is in or near the chamber of knowlage

  8. I know that simbol and its NOT on the Chamber of Knowledge. It lies on top of the Door that exits from Brady's Theather. Idk if it is somewhere else, but I saw it there

  9. Oh nvm. You can also find it on top of the Window of Brady's Lab in Temple of Zios. Silly Me!

  10. it is in Brady's theater in the lab


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