
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sky Scenes

Hiya Jammers! The Jam Mart Furniture Store has released Pink Crystals...
I have always thought that the inside looks a little weird, but still a great Friendship Festival item!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Camels...
Wow they are so big!

This week's featured Epic Sky Den is.....
 zoehipster1 for her Rainbow House of Plushies! Congrats!

Now for a BIG Announcement....
So are you ready for it!?!

3 Days to vote on the Poll
Jamaa Journal is tomorrow!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I want to be the wolf my username is coolpapa70232


    1. i want to be the bunny please i've always wanted to be on tv and my user is 3berrygirl! i love bunnies and i even acted out a play of frozen! choose me please! its ok if i'm not. good luck everyone!

    2. One other thing you may not know me well but i would REALLY appreciate it!
      3berrygirl again

    3. can I plz be the wolf my user is marypoppinsrox and I really want to be in a movie with u and I don't mind if I don't get picked

  2. I want to be! Im Xavier883 (Call me Xavi883 for short). Idc about which role since I really.. Wait, what is the TV Show about? Well, look at my aninals to see if they ok

  3. I can be bunny or wolf. Willing to change colors. I am avabug01 and um. I just love this blog and I've really been in any good videos... So this would be fun! Bunny would be best as that is the animal I normally use

  4. My username is flippy3141.
    I REALLY want to be the bunny in the show, because it has always been my DREAM to be on T.V! If I get on this show, it will be the happiest day of my life, because I finally achieved my dream! If someone else has the bunny, I don't mind being a wolf or elephant ^-^

  5. i would like to be the wolf and i am saving up gems to buy a bunch of items so far i have 1,000 gems not that much so i am logging on daily for the daily gems!

    lol89762 + i entered because last time for "journey of the wolves" i did not make it

  6. Haha lol dont laugh at me when i comment this please. Ok so u know the crystals? Well, when i first got on about 1 1/2 years ago i just glanced at on of those and thought there was a bug in there with a lot of legs like a centipede or something. Lol try it. Pretend u dont know what it is and look at it fast then look away again.

  7. I would really like to join your show in the role of a bunny! My name is VolcanicMud, and I am a big fan of your blog! Thanks Scooter!

  8. I would love to act as a wolf! I love playing around and i not too bossy. I can always give good ideas if needed and i can act really good. If i can not be the wolf i would be more than happy to be the other two. And scotter do you want a headdress or what do you really want

    1. Xd forgot my user im rarearcticwolf1~~~~~~

    2. I do not have one, but I wouldn't mind having one ^-^


  9. Hi just saying you forgot the new heart locket on clothing.

  10. Sorry I was in the wrong account. Here's the info:
    I would be my wolf and I would love to be in a show. Username: panda04043

  11. Hi Scooter! It's me, Dietcherry! I am SUUUUPPPEEERRR sorry I haven't been on for a while! I still have been looking at your blog, tho. (I'm just too lazy to comment:) Great new item! Not a fan of the crystals, but the color of this one is just so.... unique! And a new Sky Blog TV show?! SQUEEEE! If I must ask, may I be the elephant? I love to act and I have to say I am pretty good at it! Whenever I think of the AJ elephants I think of funny and clumsy, is that what that character's personality going to be? (I'm sure you'll release ALOT more details soon, but yeah.) Well gotta go, peace out and happy jammig!


  12. User: Ambert
    My animal: Wolf
    Reason: I keep trying to participate in stuff on the blog. I will never give up :) Throw anything at me :D

  13. Love the post :D ya where I live I usually see camels a lot.. Kinda gives u a hint lol.
    And sorry scooter but I can't b in ur TV shows cuz we have semester finals coming up and I can't get on any electrical device until I finish studying. :(


  14. User blueberryb
    Animal bunny
    Reason it's sounds a great movie , bunnies need more attention and your last movie maws grear

  15. User:Kitkat8529
    Reason: The movie sounds awesome! Plus I spell words correctly.

  16. user missdarlingjammer
    animal don't mind i have wolf, elephant, and bunny.

    reason because i love your blog so much!


  17. Oh and btw, I have LOADS of clothes items so I can dress how you like!-Kitkat8529

  18. User: Bubbleflight
    btw. if you don't like the outfit i can change it
    Reason I love acting <3

  19. Wow! This is a huge opportunity! I've been on your blog quite a while now. (I don't know why i mentioned that..)
    Username : Rockstar255
    Status (If needed) Member, For 14 more days.
    Role : Wolf
    Reason : I've always wanted to do something big, Besides get follows/views. I do make short movies (One coming this month actually) But to be in somebody else's, That's big! I would love to be on this TV show, If it involves my voice, I can do that too. I just realised i'm babbling on about stuff that doesn't matter.
    Well, Thanks! I'm glad to have a chance to be in this, even if I don't get in!

  20. I wanna be an actress!

  21. I would like to enter the show.
    I can be an arctic wolf or an elephant, And it's really fun to make TV shows, especially with an epic blogger like you!

  22. I would like to enter the show. My user is awesomekkluv and I could be the wolf. What is the theme of the show? I want to be in the show because I haven't really participated in much lately and it sounds like a good experience and fun! Also, nice blog today. I like the cave crystals and I like that den. It is very colorful!

  23. That den Is amazing! And I would like to be whichever u want me to b and I'm really good at asking, thanks scooter!



    - zoehipster1

  25. my username is CMO1st and i would like to be a wolf. i woulf LOVE 2 be in your thing because i think that ur cool and i have............................... um 2 headdress and 2 worns i guess. well i'll really apriciat it ! :D LOL


    1. what do your worns have to do with anything.

  26. user: purrclaws
    part: wolf
    i would love to be in this movie because
    1. i can type fast
    2. i never took part in a movie though i always wanted to

  27. hi plz can I be a bunny because I luv bunnies and I have been in a video on aj.My user is gracybell

  28. User: snivy28413
    I would like to be the Bunny
    Some good qualities I have:
    Type Fast,I mostly never look down when Typing,
    And I am a Creative Thinker.

  29. I am female, my user is sparklegirl252. I am a pretty good actress (I take drama classes!) and avid fan of this blog- it is my dream to be shown on it! And I would prefer to be a wolf, but bunny is ok too. My wolf name: Twinkle Spiritlily. My bunny: Little Shycloud.

  30. I am very delighted to be giving you news. I'm known as the Blog Inspector. I give feedback on famous blogs or blogs I particularly enjoy reading. I wish to compliment you on your blog-detailed, interesting, organized. Very high chance of many readers. I see that now.

    I've noticed on other blogs, I must say, why advertise like that? It's good to advertise, but I think of you doing it as in a slightly rude way. Some may believe you only care about becoming famous and known for blogging. I do at times think that way as well.

    I saw your comment on the Animal Jam Times, on Kinyonga's post on revealing the winners of her goodbye giveaway. You put a "=.=" in your comment. It didn't appear kind to me. Then again at Animal Jam Nox you placed a sentence, "If you want another blog to look at, view mine!" It's not bad, I say. Just a tidbit disrespectful.

    Overall excellent work. See you around.


    1. How dare u give a nasty comment about Scooters blog! Shes not perfect neather r u " the blog inspector " so keep ur feeling about this blog for yourself. Scooter does a pawsome blog and ur over hete complaining about her actions. Scooter sorry if im saying this on ur blog to this person. ~ pinky522

    2. TBI, you never read the rest of my comment after "=.=" I said Good Job for all the winners. Also on the Animal Jam Nox, the reason I put that is because since his blog was shutting down, I just wanted everyone to know my blog just in case they needed a new blog. Also pinky522, I am a boy.


    3. Dear Scooter,

      And it appears to me like you didn't read the rest of my comment either. I said you have a VERY high-quality blog with some upside downs. Such a rude comment after just giving feedback. You aren't going to have a happy life answering what is mostly a compliment. I TRY to keep my comments cheerful, but they can't stay cheerful with your attitude butting in.



  31. Username: pinky522
    Actor/Animal: elephant!
    reason: i want to actilly be known on animal jam, i.kinda just started and it would b nice to hang out with you, scooter! :D and alsso, i want to meet new ppl on aj my buddies r getting boring and i want to be kniwn by u too!

  32. user: enternal12321
    Actress: BUNNY!
    Reason: CUZ I LIKE MAC AND CHEESE XD (U don have to pick me :3)


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