
Monday, February 10, 2014

Rare Friendship Bracelet

Hi Jammers! The Rare item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store, on the 13th page, is a Rare Friendship Bracelet...
Looks: ****
Overall a Great Rare item for the Friendship Festival!
The Sarepia Theater has a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Hidden Treasures...
For a complete guide of the Adventures go to the Animal Jam Sky's Adventure Guide!

The Mystery of the Week is about the tip-top of Mt. Shiveer....
According to the sign, it says you are at the top of Mt. Shiveer. However, the mountain still goes up! So what is at the top of Mt. Shiveer? Does an Alpha live up there? Does a Shaman live up there? Is there an Eagle nest? Are there some lost frozen items up there? 

Comment Call: Write a solution to this mystery. (Your comment might be shown on tomorrow's post!)

All Actors remember the recording is tonight @ 5:00 [AJ TIME]
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I'll bet that the top of Mt.Shiveer is like the eagle shaman's nest. Maybe AJ will unlock it someday or maybe we'll be stuck speculating. But if you think about it it would make sense...the tallest place in Jamaa would be where an eagle would want to live! ~Sparklefootball

  2. What's AJ time?! I live in Canada Ontario Toronto, can you plz check that time and compare it to AJ time plz Scooter! Cause idk!


    1. Aj time would be Salt lake city, Ohio time. I live in texas so its only a hour behind me

    2. AJ Time is displayed on the right column, just above the "Search" Bar on the Blog.


  3. Also Chocolate, can you go to my blog, the signature section, I made something for u XD and plz become a actor XD


  4. Maybe higher up in the mountain there are Many Dangers and only Alphas can go (?). Well, as you can see the cliff is so steep and may be hard to go. And they tell Animals to stay lower

    1. Or maybe thats a map of th mountain

  5. it would be cool if it led up 2 the other region XD


  6. The alphas and shamans are the same people

  7. I think its a NEW place that has been conquered by the phantoms. Though, it would be nice if we could conquer the land and have a new shop and everything :3
    Also, flying animals can only go up there i think cuz its at the tippy top -3-
    So.. ya..
    Happy Jamming!


  8. This is a amazing website btw. My name on aj is Kittycatcooper

  9. Maybe it will be where the eagle shaman lives! When eagles come, they might extend Mt. Shiveer and make a little land for eagles! I am excited for eagles to come!

  10. Probaly 1 an shanman eagle
    2 a chest of gems pinky522

  11. Well scooter how do you know it marking the top?? But nothings up thier if you walk as high as you can you see the top of the mountain and nothing their sorry if this isnt good but if thats not good enough than sanman is proproly up their

    1. Haha lol sandman! Hilarious!! Have u watched The Gardians ( no, not ... Of Gahoole. Lol ) Anyways, i loved the sandman in that movie. The Easter Bunny was pretty funny too, though. Lol "then the sandman lives up there" lol!!

  12. I think that it might be the entrance to a new land. Sine eagles are coming, they might make a sky land, so flying animals can get up there! Just an idea :) Also, can this week's epic sky den be a den covered in flags, since Friday is flag day ^-^ ~flippy3141

  13. Maybe the top of Mount Shiveer is a secret Phantom hideout. Maybe when Jamaa was first created, the Jammers saw Mt Shiveer, and the mountain hadn't kept on going up, it ended where the sign was. So the jammers put that sign there. But then the phantoms came and added onto the mountain, building a secret hideout high in the clouds, and the jammers are scared to remove the sign (even though the mountain continues), in fear that the phantoms might hurt them for going up there. :3


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