
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Heart Necklace

Thanks for visiting the Animal Jam Sky Blog everyone! Unfortunately, Animal Jam isn't loading for me this morning.
The Bahari Bargains shop has released Heart Necklaces...
**from Animal Jammerz Blog
Valentine's Day is in 2 Days, so this makes a perfect item! ^.^
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Safer Internet Day....
It was yesterday... did you all take the Internet Safety Quiz in the Conservation Museum or the Chamber of Knowledge?

The Epic Sky Den this week is....
Burrtail! Congrats!! You have been added to the Epic Sky Dens Hall of Fame

The Friendship Festival Contest is over!
Videos Tab is updated
About Scooter page is updated
I will be reviewing the More Blogs Tab, and I will delete the blogs that haven't posted in more than 5 days, for your convenience.
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Do you think Eagles will be nonmember, member, or a Diamond Shop animal? Why?


  1. Probalbly member or diamond, but I want them non member!

  2. It should be nonmember since they might make a sky land near shiveer!
    Or member if ani animal jam gets greedy...
    Diamond shop if they get super greedy.

  3. I honestly think they are going to make them member in th dimond shop, but they should make it non member and NOT IN THE DIMOND SHOP!!!


  4. I have no clue

  5. Maybe it might be diamond, BECAUSE, they might make a floating diamond shop...

  6. Im betting diamond beacuse thats how ajhg works but im really hoping nonmember or member

  7. i hope it will be nonmember but i will probaly be member AND sold in the diamond shop. animal jam is turning for the worst its just pay money and and get diamonds i was so exided when i saw the update about the sunken ship den i was like ya they are suporting non members! the i saw that eagles and comming... and thought oh god another member diamond shop animal!

  8. Wow! Thanks for getting my den featured!! :D That's awesome! ^w^

    I think that eagles have a 50/50 chance of being member/diamond shop. Because they're the first flying animal, they might only even cost coins. Seeing how AJ has acted in the past, however, I wouldn't be /too/ surprised if eagles were diamond shop.

    Maybe in a little while, AJ will add smaller flying creatures like owls (or maybe even falcons!) that'll be nonmember. uvu

    ~Pouncing (AKA Burr)

    1. Maybe if AJHQ is generous, then they'll make is nonmember since it's the first flying. that might just be wishful thinking, though. :c

  9. I would honestly be surprised if Eagles don't go into the diamond shop for members only. Fingers crossed for nonmember though. ~SparkleFootball

  10. all the last ones have been in the dimond shop EXEPT the deer. so i mighty not be................................... i leat i hope. i was a member and i have 9 dimonds so not enough 4 the animal if its in the dimond shop + i'd have 2 get the membership 2


    1. i am a nonmember right now :(


  11. oviously a diamond animal .The best animals are in the diamond shop : (

  12. Scooter, I want to start my own blog. I will still read your daily though :) any name suggestions for my blog?

    1. Animaljam101
      whats up jammers?
      More on AJ
      Another AnimalJam blog
      The New News of AJ
      --- just to name a few! I actually came up with these while typing this. Hope some of these helped and sorry if some were taken--i didnt realize.

    2. Sorry i forgot to add... Good luck!! Whatever u name it...ill be sure to check it out!!.

    3. Well I would suggest anything that jammers can remember and something simple. Like the Animal Jam Sand Bar or the Animal Jam Frost, but be sure to look up and see if anyone else already has that name so you don't steal their name!


  13. OOH! You should have a party for your 150 000th pageview :D I have to say, Scooter, that your blog is the most popular Animal Jam blog!

    1. No offense to anyone but i have to disagree. I think Snowys blog is the most popular. I mean she gets like 140 comments on every post! Ur still doing great though Scooter. This is good for an aj blog and personally read this blog everyday first before any other blogs.
      Sorry not to be rude i just like to sometimes voice my opinions. I really dont try to be mean.

    2. Yeah I think so too. I used to go on that blog before I found this one. BUT I STILL LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I always read this blog first too.... I like to voice my opinions too most times. But if they are not very nice I don't voice them. I really really really do NOT want to be mean though.


  14. I think maybe, if we're lucky, perhaps nonmember but in the diamond shop!


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