
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Clovers + Jammers

Hey Jammers! Bahari Bay has released Clover Necklaces.... 
CN on Make A Gif
 Good item for the approaching Lucky Day! The white and red one look pretty cool!
Original Color: Green
The Aquarium has release a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted Jammer Art....
I like all the Eagle drawings!!

It is finally here! Winner will be announced on 3/1/14! Good Luck!

Big Tunnel Town Update!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I would like to be Jammer of the month because I have I have had y account for almost a year and I would enjoy it. Not a good reason, though.

    1. i'm 3berrygirl!
      1 i once saw a bunny who liked the seahawks and the bronco fans were bullying her so (even though i'm a bronco fan) helped her and i told her that the seahawks are just as good as the bronco's! XD 2 i report scammers and i help new jammers
      with their journy book things! 3 i read this blog everyday because blu the monkey and you get the news the fastest 4 i would really enjoy it! bye!

    2. OH and my membership expired 2 days ago so i'm feeling blue

  2. I am Cje02, I am currently nonmember. I would like to be jammer of the month because I think I am really kind and a good friend. Im not really the popular kid in school (im mostly nerdy :3) Im just really friendly and I can be a little grumpy but that's just who I am. :-)

  3. I would like to be jammer of the month because I want to show people even though me and a bunch of other people are members, nonmembers count too. So, I have a lot of stores and parties to help out nonmembers. My user name is jam52099

  4. I want to be Jammer of the Month!
    User: Derpe
    Status: Member
    Reason: Well, I give chairty's (all my betas) at the end of the week every week. I wanted to get show on the blog to show how much I care about this blog and my jammers :)

  5. HI!!!! I am HGHanimallover!!!! I would love to be jammer of the month!!!! I am a member, here are my reasons!!!!
    1. I have an animal jam blog, and i frequently post.
    2. I read your blog everyday.
    3. When I see a jammer getting bullied I report the bully and buddy the person who got bullied, and tell them to report ad block.
    4. If I see a scam I report and tell others to report and block
    5. I don't scam or troll (I don't even know what a troll is)
    6. I give people items that they got scammed of
    7. I don't cyberbully or bully in real life
    8. I make Great grades! ( all A's)
    9. I have never gotten Jammer of the month before!
    Once again, My user: HGHanimallover
    I am a member!!!! Yay!!!

    Thanks for reading scooter!!!

  6. My username is coolpapa70232 I want to be jammer of the month because i love this blog plus i test scammers out for other people with stuff i have doubles of that are not rare and beta i am a member and i do not have free chat.


  7. I would like to be jammer of the month beacuse since I have been feeling shy and left out on aj because all the rare and rich peeps always r always mean to me so I hope I can haveat least one more thing to appreciate on aj and my username is snowleopardcubs

  8. I REALLLY REALLLY REALLY REALLY WANT TO BE THE JAMMER OF THE MOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because THIS IS THE BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST AND 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 MORE BESTS BLOG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I have never seen a better one and because I am a determind jammer and I love this blog (BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST BLOG THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!!!!!)


    1. Oh and as you know I have NEVER been the Jammer of The Month


  9. User-littlebunny21885
    I want to be jammer of the month because I have never been one before and I look at your blog everyday. I am really kind at school and on Animal Jam, I try to help out anyone who I can.

  10. Username: Xavier883
    Status: Member
    Reason: Cause I like this blog best since other blogs quit, and it is (Along with the animal Jammerz) The only remaining blog I read. I also like March cause Spring begins and so yeah. Can I PLEASE be the Jammer of the Month?

  11. user missdarlingjammer
    1 i love your blog.
    2i read it every day
    3 i am nice to all people and treat non members the same as members not like some people.

    thanks missdarlingjammer.

  12. User:Snowflakedarinwolf
    Some Reasons:Well to be honest but It would be AWESOME if I was the Jammer of the month for March because My BDay is on this Sunday.But its ok if other Jammers be the Jammer Of the month because this is JUST FOR FUN x3

  13. User: Burrtail.
    Status: Member.
    Reason: Well, I want to give a good reason other than I loge your bloge!!!1!, so let me try to think.
    I think I should be jammer of the month because I love Animal Jam. (hahah such great reason) I love to play it, and meet new friends. uwu And I feel like I'd be able to make new friends if I were able to have my username up for people to see! :D
    (frustrated growling I feel like I only ever comment when there's a giveaway or something. >m<;; I'm going to start commenting more, so I can prove I check this blog every day!! >:D)

  14. User - explorerleaf
    Status - Member
    Reason - I think it would be really cool to be Jammer of the Month for Sky blog! I am a huge fan and really love your blog! Keep it up!

  15. User:andrewj04
    Reason:Because I always have admired your blog and it would be an honor.Also i have a lot of friends who play animal jam who could see my achievement:) Thank you,bye

  16. User blueberryb
    Status member
    Reason because I donate on the non member blog. Input others before myself.i read this blog everyday even when I am busy
    Good luck everyone

  17. user: metaknight628
    why: am nice, and my birthday is in march (the 6th lol) i luv your blog soo much, it would mean the world if i get to member jammer of the month! i hope that if i don't win someone else will win that needs it! good luck to everyone! thanks :D

  18. User: KingstonShepard
    I think I should be jammer of the month because I'm nice to everyone in jamaa. It doesn't matter if you're a member or not!

  19. My user is Jammer125602 and I am a member
    I always try to help people out if they're sad or have a problem. I only report if absolutely nesscasary. I never use my membership as a power status and I believe that non members are as important as members.

  20. User: Kabutoclaw (My friend should deserve it, User: AwesomePopFizz)
    I think I should be "Jammer of the Month" because recently I just got scammed and I had multiple friends with me who saw that and it was in Jamaa. But AwesomePopFizz he helped me out and got my rare blue bow back for me. Please let my friend AwesomePopFizz be Jammer of the Month.

    1. I meant my friend should be "Jammer of the Month"

  21. I meant my friend should be "Jammer of the Month"

  22. Please check out my blog! I have a contest and author tryouts going on and I'd really like more people to join!

    And I've been wondering since the new item is a water item... how many people have a main water animal?

  23. User: Ambert
    Status: Member
    Reason: I like being apart of the blog and participating in stuff!
    Good luck everyone ;)

  24. User:Kitkat8529
    Satus: Member
    Reason: I am a good friend. I never scam EVER! Also I look at this blog every day. It's my favourite, honest!


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