
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Snowflake Boots

Jamaa News

Hi Jammers! The fashionable new item sold in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is Snowflake Boots....
There is a new video in Sarepia Theater...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Pet Owls...
Pet Owls are a perfect winter pet available in the Diamond Shop.

Glitch Corner

 We have two glitches for this week's Glitch Corner. The first glitch is one I found....
I circled the name tags because they are just numbers. I think every animal, item, land, etc. has a label number that AJHQ uses to code things. 
The second glitch is from ExplorerAJ.....
I see that they were playing Overflow and things got messed up. Thanks so much for sending in your glitch!

Sky News

Sparkle Prettygem has been eliminated!
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out!

Xavier883 won yesterday's Discover Day by getting the answer correct and being chosen by raffle.
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. 1st! Yay! I vote Rosy Daisyflower to be out... Sorry Rosy! I really wish that pet owls werent members because i want one, and im nm sadly. Oh well. *littlearticpaw1* :-)

    1. I vote missfasttiger ^.^

  2. 2nd! Lol! I vote Infinity ArcticClaw out. Sorry Infinity!! I agree with you Little. Owls should be non-member! They are the cutest thing and non-mems should get them!

  3. I vote Blooming Tinyspirit out. Sorry! Your outfit is still jamtastic though.

  4. rosy daisyflower.... NO I LOVED SPARKLE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Well the one I wanted to win in last fashion show won, so I'm not to depressed.

  5. I hope I get to go to my friend's house today. I really want to because last week she called me on the phone telling me that she got a real gift from fman. I told her to refresh. She has not been hacked, but I want to see the gift. Hopefully I can go to her house... just hopefully.

    SO scared!!! I'm going to see the real gift!!

    1. Oh nevermind... The seahawks game is on so I probably can't go to ANYBODY'S house now D:

      You know, parents and football XD

  6. Rosy Daisyflower. Ummmmmmmmm... sorry Rosy.

  7. Rosy tiny spirit should be eliminated

    1. Whoops i meant blooming tinyspirit

  8. I vote out Blooming TinySpirit. I can't wait to see who wins!

  9. I vote out Blooming TinySprirt as well.


  10. Rosy Daisyflower ^-^


  11. I am Snowflake Frozenfox. I would be happy if i win but it is all up to you guys. I would be very happy if i won. Just saying. I would vote out Blooming TinySprirt. But i don't know if it counts.

    1. I love your outfit for the fashion show! Hope you win!

  12. I vote out Rosy Daisy Flower I'm so sorry, ur look is fantastic though!!! And snowflake boots are awesome!!!

  13. Rosy daisy flower i love your outfit and theres no denying that rosy daisy flower is gold cobra look at her profile!
    P.s. gold cobra plz reply i saw u on cheetahs repel :D

    1. You guessed correct! It is me :)

      And yes, I am part of Cheetahs repel. XD
      Want to be buddies? I never turn off my friend requests :3

    2. I would love to be your buddy im nbcnc ps the comment that said that you were in cheetahs repel was from me

    3. Also, sorry if I don't buddy you right away, I got suspended for 1 day because of a typo that accidently said a bad word :P

    4. Its ok!

  14. Ok so... All te lools are fantastic but i kinda want snowflake frozenfox or miss fasttiger to win. Sorry to everyone else! You still look great!

    1. sorry! I was just rereading my earlier post and i realized i spelled a few words wrong! I meant to say.... all the looks are fantastic but...... ect. not all te lools :P

  15. Scooter... I have an idea forbthebfashion show thing. It is fine if u say no... I thought that maybe when it gets down to the last 4 or so u should tell the commenters to vote one jammer back in who was voted out. I hope that made sense!:-P thanks for reading this and again u dont have to it was just a thought i wanted to share!

    1. Sorry i ment for the fashion show not forbthebfashion:-D

    2. That was going to be the second Twist, you guessed it! It will happen in a couple of days.


    3. Oh, cool! That will be an interesting twist! I wonder who it will be. I really guessed it? Awesome!


  16. Arcticspirit the fox

  17. Blooming tiny spirit

  18. Heyo!!! It's me again! For the fashion show I vote...
    Blooming Tinyspirit... SO SORRY once again >-<
    I really like the boots!
    Good job Xavier883 for winning!
    Jam on!
    ~ m0nkeygirl6

  19. Thanks for the bow Scooter!
    I vote Blooming Tinyspiri tOut

  20. I agree, I want to vote blooming tiny spirit out. Something just doesn't feel right with cool (black studded collar) colliding with fashion chic theme. No offense.


  21. I vote Blooming Tinyspirit out. Sorry! Every body did a great job in the contest!
    ~themometer (Professor Bravescout)

  22. I vote Snowflake Arcticfox out. Sorry, I just think it's a little too much... And I just don't like it. ^.^ Sorry!

  23. Rosy daisyflower... So sorry i vote for u .


  24. MightyFastWolf is just like me!!! My outfits that i wear are:Pink rare bow,Fox hat,Pink Lock Necklace,Pink Glove P.S we don't have the same color.I recommend Rosydaisyflower sorry had to do it(reason:uhmmm i just don't like the outfit..)

  25. RoSy should be out!!!!!!!


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