
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ski Lift Chair

Jamaa News

Hi Jammers! The Jam Mart Furniture Store is following the Ski Lodge theme with their new Ski Lift Chair...
Great item!!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Tierney...
Speaking of the Aquarium, there is a new video about coral...
Great videos, check them out in the Aquarium today!

Did You Know?

Did you know that when you click on Pet Joeys each one plays differently depending on the clothes they are wearing? If your joey has a boomerang, when you click on it, it will throw it! If you have boxing gloves on your joey it will box when you click it. Check out different moves with your pet joey today!

Sky News

Infinity Arcticclaw is eliminated!
Comment Call: Vote another jammer out!

We had a little incident yesterday on the blog. There was a very rude person who commented very mean comments on every page of the blog. I just wanted to inform you that they have been deleted, and the comments were not true.
1. I am not a scammer
2. I do not "date" on virtual worlds
So if you are the person posted rude comments please do not comment on the blog ever. If you know who did it please inform me. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Today's item is weird, why would those mean comments be said about u! And, I vote enchanted out sorry :(


  2. I vote rosy fast tiger out srry

  3. Aww I'm out, I'm Infinity. But, that wasn't my outfit for the blog anyway. It's fine.

  4. I vote mighty out sorry :( but I'm really not into pink.. More green ish black stuff.

    And second.. WHY ON EARTH WOULD SOMEONE SAY THAT ABOUT U!?!?! One thing is for sure, I'm 100 and ten percent mad at that mean commenter. If I find out who it is.. Oh man watch out. Am I making myself 100% for certain crystal clear. That dude was just possesed by some sad little ghost. And never ever let anyone bother u online or cyber bully. It's just plain rude, mean and disrespectful.


  5. Cool new ski chair, and for today I vote Mighty Fastwolf out, sorry D:
    And I'm also very sorry that someone was being mean to you yesterday, scooter. Sometimes people just say rude things, I suppose. =P

  6. Cool new ski chair, and for today I vote Mighty Fastwolf out, sorry D:
    And I'm also very sorry that someone was being mean to you yesterday, scooter. Sometimes people just say rude things, I suppose. =P

  7. there is also somone saying really bad words! i did notice the name tag on one of the comments it was 'sillyfilly' i think.


  8. I'm going to vote Enchanted Magicpaw out. uvu

  9. I vote out Mighty Fastwolf. Sorry. Too much pink for me.

    Sorry to hear about the cyber-bully. some people are just plain mean.


  10. I vote enchanted magic paw. Sorry!

  11. Enchanted magic paw out
    So sorry to hear someones been saying mean things to you scooter!
    I go on your blog every day and its a shame some ppl dont apreciate your effort
    >•▪•< Cat face for happiness >_<

  12. Srry forgot my name!
    One above was by whitepadfoot

  13. I vote enchanted magic paw out still col otfit tho! Sounds bad comenter u should have the thing wen gogle gmail u or aproval of comments cos u can report them.

  14. ummmm ik who did that...... but they told me not to tell anyone or they would hack my accont!!!! so im sooo sorry that he did that he used to be my friend in real but now hes jjust a big jerk at school but im sorry I cant help!

  15. miss fast tiger
    ~yeoh123 not signed in


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2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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