
Friday, January 17, 2014

Hockey Sticks

Jamaa News

Hello Jammers! The new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is Hockey Sticks...
I think AJHQ is getting ready for the Winter Olympics!
Does anyone watch the Winter Olympics?
The Sarepia Theater has released a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Jammer Snaps...
Great idea AJHQ! Parades is a fun new activity to do in Jamaa!

Discover Day

Comment Call: Comment the location of the photo above, and you could get a chance to win a prize!

Sky News

Might Fastwolf is eliminated! Now for the final 3!
Comment Call: Vote one Jammer out!

2 Comment Calls today!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. first comment cool! And that is the river in the adventure base camp!

    1. Oh and I vote rost daisy flower. ^ same person as above

    2. Yea it's in adventure b

    3. Saperia forest corner of it


    4. sorry i meant saperia forest


  2. rosy daisy flower i vote out

  3. Rosy daisy flower.

  4. Ya adventure base camp river, and ya I LOVE the Winter Olympics! Also lol AJ is getting ready for the Olympics :)
    YAY FINAL 3!!! I vote out miss fast tiger


  5. rosy daisyflower out

  6. Miss fast tiger out
    White padfoot

  7. Also miss fast tiger just dont like the outfit

  8. aww i went to a funarall and got voted out coz i choulden't get on :(
    can some one get voted back in?
    i vote out rosy dasiy flower.

  9. Rosy... Sorry


  10. the pic is in sarepia forest as you go down the wood ladder next to the pet butter flyes


  11. Rosy daisy flower out.
    Lol I watch the summer olympics but mostly only the horse riding. I'm really into tht stuff and it's good to watch the pros and how they position themselves an all.


  12. Discover Day: adventure base camp river
    Fashion Show: Rosy Daisy Flower out plz

    (fyi I'm zoehipster1 [remember the 1, there's another zoehipster out there without the 1 and I don't know her at all, thx!] incase I win the Discover Day and thx for helping me find out where to comment for these things!)

    1. Sorry I meant the forest ladder place, zoehipster1

  13. the place is in seripia forsest! LOL plz give me the prize. BE WARN! i am a nonmember just saying


  14. its in Sarpia Forest. Btw, I vote miss out sorry!

  15. It's in Sarepia Forest on the left of the ladder and the termites where the fireflies come out.

    - zoehipster1

  16. In Sarepia Forest above, near the where the fireflies appear.

    - 3711

  17. Rosy vote out but ya'll great - smileygirlXD

  18. It is in sarepia forest

  19. Guys look closely at the picture notice the river? It could only be zios or base camp. Zios has no bridge so it narrows it down to base camp

  20. Discover Day - it is Sepia Forest below the butterfly pets next to the ladder. (thats grass and edge of a log. not a river!)
    And I vote out Rosy DaisyFlower. Sorry. All of them look great!

  21. I am very happy to see everybody here today. At the first time I joined this fashion show, I thought that I would have been voted out quickly, because most jammers have respect for the jammers with more rare items. But I stand here now, in the final three. I knew when I came to this point, I would be voted out. I appreciate everybody's opinions, and you all have every right to vote me out. I have survived defeat, too. I am not asking for any of you kind people to change your deserved votes, but I am making my statement clear: I appreciate those who loved my outfit up until this point. I still had and have hopes to win, but now, I believe it has become increasingly obvious that I shall be voted out. Of course, I am not the person with the most rares, and I did not aim for that theme, either, but I believe that me, as well as everybody else, IS rare. We are all unique, and that includes our opinions, too. I wish you all the best luck, especially those two above who will survive the fashion show. Hopefully next time Scooter hosts I fashion show, I will go even farther on my journey. Mira loves you all!

    -goldcobra (A.K.A. Rosy Daisyflower)

  22. Rosy Daisyflower! And the place is the Sarpia Forest! (Sorry if it's spelled wrong) ~Ldbug999

  23. Its on Sarepia Forest in the Part up of where fireflies show up, around where you adopt Butterflies
    I vote Miss Fasttiger out!

  24. Miss fast tiger should be out

  25. Rosy Daisyflower plz or Miss fasttiger. I don't like neither of them. but i think Snowflake Frozenfox looks cool.


  26. I don't really like Snowflake Frozenfox. But they all look AMAZING!


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