
Friday, January 24, 2014


Hello Jammers! Sorry for the late-ish post! The Jam Mart Furniture Store has released Pet Cabins...
What a cute item!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Denstravaganza...
Great time to buy all the dens!
Did you notice that the Adventure Base Camp is back to normal?
AJHQ must of noticed all the complaints! 
Also yesterday, Xavier883 pointed out that each row spells Eagles!
Pawesome eyes!

Comment Call: Comment the location of the image above, and you may be randomly chosen to win a prize!!

Thanks so much for 120,000 views! I am so thankful for everyone that follows my blog, comments on it, or even looks at it everyday! I know we have lost some very important authors of Animal Jam Blogs:
Quinn theCat (Animal Jam Nox)
Kinyonga (Animal Jam Times)
Even though some authors have quit Animal Jam and Blogging, I hope we get some new jammers to the blog! So spread the news to any jammers that want another Animal Jam blog! Anywho... here are some prizes:
Prize #1 - New Post Labels!
Prize #2 - New Contest on the Contests Tab!

Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. The items at the pets only party bath


  2. Also scooter, what template do u use for your blog. I use and I don't like it.


  3. I know what it is! its the pet wash in the pets only party on the first floor!!


  4. Pet wash party on the SECOND floor.
    Good luck to the draw!

  5. And scooter, I blogged for a few years, I would love to be a blog author When you are not available. It doesn't matter which article I can edit, so feel free to ask me :)

    1. Thanks, but I don't need authors at the moment. If I need one in the future though, I will definitely consider you!


  6. Congrats on getting 120,000 views Scooter and today when I logged on, the update came up again! Oh, and the place the picture is is at the Pets Only Party Pet Wash! I miss Kinyonga and Quinn, too.

  7. zipper787/DewDropReptileJanuary 24, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    not to offend anyone but i dont want eagles to come i want owls :C so i can play owls of gahooles and there WERE 3 question marks so who knows?:3~zipper787/DewDropReptile

  8. I think the thing is at the pet wash at the play as your pet party. My user is Ambert :3 Happy jamming!

    1. I meant pets only XD I was just at the play as your pet party so I got mixed up.

  9. Pet wash at the play as your pet party-- awesome party! Also... Yay eagles!!!! Owls would be cool too, though. And Yay to the adventure camp being back to normal!!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That eagles thing is cool!

  12. Well if eagles come and they can only access a new area its seems a little unfair that they be member. Just saying b/c Nonmems will be missing out. Yet they could make it fair like with adventures having certain areas open for certain players.

    That is the Pet wash at the pets only party.

  13. at the pet party.


  14. Hey Scooter, I discovered a new AJ affiliated site. Visit my blog for more info.

    1. I think that Animal Jam Academy has been there for quite some time now, but I have never seen there website cool!


  15. IM BECAME MEMBER TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scooter? What's you're username? I really want to buddy you! Can you buddy me?

    -Meowcats1228 (Your faithful follower)

    1. Send me a request and I will try and buddy you if I have an open slot!


    2. Scooter, plz plz plz add me! I only have made 18 friends and i thought bout u. - pinky522

  16. well............................. the house is ok. just STOP MAKING EVERYTHING PETS SIZED AND MEMBER. geeze. anywho the iteam is kinda lame


  17. I think it looks cute, though the member thing is REALLY getting on my nerves. I mean when was the last new non member item?
    Comment Call: Pet wash at the Pets Only Party

    - zoehipster1

  18. Comment Call: Pet wash at the Pets Only Party

    - 3711

  19. The pet wash wash at the pets only party :D


  20. I hope the eagles won't be in the diamond show because I can't wait so long lol :D
    and i think the comment call is in the Pets Only Party wash.

  21. pets only party pet wash! (not play as your pet!)
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

  22. Hai Scooter!
    The picture is at the pets only party, second floor, pet wash station :D


  23. Hi scooter! The pic is in Crystal sands and is near terneys aquariam and go up the rock wall and there is the pet wash. Upderneath the tub is the bubbles! Plz add me scooter!

  24. Nice Eyes Scooter, And I Was The Person To Ask Animal Jam To Put Eagles In Because I Love Eagles So Much There My Absolute Favorite Bird

  25. The picture is in the Pets only Party at the top floor of the tree near the pet dresser thingy. - pinky522 ( ur favorite fan lolz )


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