
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Joeys and Gems

 Hiya Jammers! Mini-Update today! Here is the new news....
AJ Jump is here! Unfortunally, it costs $1.99 on the app store...
The second page talks about transfering Joeys and Gems...
Cool! The rest of the news is old so I won't post about it.
The new item in Epic Wonders is a Jamaaliday Wreath...
Seems as I am running low on gems! I bought a lot of decorations ^-^
The 10th Jamaliday Gift is Candy Cane lights...
Wait?! We had that last year! Shouldn't it be in the Diamond Shop?!?
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare item Monday....
Looks pretty stylish, alligator!

Mystery of the Week

This weeks mystery is about the newest land... Kimbara Outback. As you can see in the first picture, on the map, there is an abandoned island! What is in it? Will we go there? Who is there? Why is it blocked by a giant boulder? (Second Photo). 
Comment Call: Solve the Mystery! (You can write a short story if you want.)

Sky News

Edmund the Giraffe added on the Alphas Tab! Click the Above photo to go check it out!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I hope it comes out soon! I have no idea what's going to happen, through!

  2. well do have sorta 2 short stories. ok so some people say if its possible to break the ice you will go into a hiddin land. where the under water alphas are like harper the seal and marco the penguin alpha.and u meet them and they will answer your qustions about jamaa! story #2 if u break the ice u will go to a hidden under water land and soon the island will be released sometime later on but the ones who break the ice get to go earlier but not as soon as possible.


  3. not meaning to be rude but that's a crocodile lol not a alligator and the land is called the pawlandia it used to be part of jamaa but the phantoms took over it they overpowered miras brother and kept that land to this day no one exept greely(who dosent tell) knows about what happens there~zipper787

  4. I got animal jam jump and it is worth the 2 dollars!!!! Plus I hop the island is like a tropical island that comes.

  5. u know u brag a lot scooter?

    1. I am sorry! Did I say something that offended you? :( I hope you can still enjoy the blog.


    2. well i like your blog its just i sometimes feel like im not cool....cause lots of ppl tell me im not awesome or rare. im just jealous of my friends who have lots of cool stuff like rares and fame. ;-;

    3. Oh, do not think like that! All jammers are equal, big or small! Plus, remember in the end... it is just a game. ^-^ Have fun.


  6. I don't think anyone would be on the island, because you said it was an abandoned island right?

  7. There once were 2 friends, a deer and a turtle. They lived in a small island called lynphia. Lynphia was close to Jamaa. In fact, it was inbeetween Appondale and Kimbara Outback. But one day, an army of phantoms came and took over the island. Soon, every animal in Lymphia had run away or had been held hostage by phantoms. The deer and turtle were the only ones remaining. Deer said"My friend,we are surronded by these strange creutures who have kidnapped our friends we must go somewhere else. But where?" Turtle replied, " We shall swim across this river and into the land on the other side." (which was Kimbara) "That is an exellent idea my friend, but how will I get there? You can swim but I can't." replied the deer."Don't worry friend,I will help you swim across." answered the turtle.
    Later that day, Deer had an sudden urge to take a walk. So, thats waht he did. As he was returning home, he was captured by phantoms! The next day, Turtle looked for his missing buddy. But Deer was nowhere to be found. Sadly, Turtle swam away and landed at Jamaa Township.There, he found the Alphas and told them his story. There are still many other animALs trapped in Lynphia. But, now the Deer has been rescued.-purrclaws


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