
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gifts and Trading Center

Jamaa News

Hey Jammers! The new item being sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Gift Pile...
Spoiler Alert! The 22nd Jamaaliday Gift is a Bag of Gifts....
Old gift. I hope the last 3 aren't old!
 The Daily Explorer posted an article about parties....
Party On Jamaa!

Den Designer

This weeks Den Designer is about the Jamaalidays! Decorating a Jamaaliday Tree! Christmas trees are very unique, so you can use any ornaments and candles that suites you. Also, add some bows, and bells. Now, the important part is under the tree itself. Start off with a rug, such as mine is the snowflake rug. Now, add some toys and presents! You have a beautiful tree!

Sky News

Today is the last day to enter the Jamaaliday Contest!
There is a new Tab... The Trading Center Tab
New Art on the Art Mini Blog!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Go Enter the Contest or Trade at the Trading Center!


  1. In 2 months today it's my birthday , I am gonna be 12
    Epic post by the way

  2. Happy Jamaalidays Scooter!! I already gave a gift to my cousin! Shes a non member and I felt like she needed some cheering up, so I got her a pet Joey :D I hope everyone enjoys gifts from friends or family that plays ;)

  3. Hey scooter! (chocolate4050)
    I was wondering...
    what is your favorite item on AJ thats not... beta but is not VERY easy to get.
    Or something that costs a lot and you would like?

    Just wondering... ( its close to christmas so... i just kinda wanna know.)
    ~ m0nkeygirl6

    1. Oh.. hmm.... well one of my favorite Jamaaliday items is the Gingerbread Garden in Epic Wonders, but it is pretty pricey! O.o


    2. totes

  4. The Trading Center was a good idea!


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