
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Candy and Tie

Jamaa News

Happy Jamaaliday Eve! The new item is Paw Candy in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...
PC on Make A Gif

Spoiler! The 24th Jamaaliday Gift is...
Not to bad. Could have been better for the second to last Jamaaliday Gift.
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Hood with Feather...
At first, AJHQ had the wrong rare item, but they fixed the issue.

Rumor Reader

This is kind of a rumor, but mostly a warning. Usually a week or so after Christmas (December 25th), all Jamaaliday Decorations will leave Jamaa till next year. So that means... STOCK UP! ^.^ Buy all decorations you want and need because they will be gone soon!

Sky News

Tunnel Town Tab updated... 
Remember to check back tomorrow for the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Movie: Journey of the Wolves 2 and the Contest Winner!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: How late will you be staying up tonight?


  1. yay! 1st comment! Any way, for te comment call, i have no idea howlong i'm going to stay up, but i plan on waking up early

  2. I'll stay up till 12:30 in my time zone lol I usually read.

    1. I love reading. I may stay up late.

  3. Goodness! Love the tie!

    -Ill probably stay up till 10:00 playing with my baby cousins. We have a big party, eat a delicious family dinner, act out the nativity, celebrate Jesus's birth, and get a visit from Santa! We also have a tradition where we get Christmas PJs to sleep in on the special night:) How do I fall asleep? Well, I guess you could say its REALLY complicated. I have to have a barrier of pillows surrounding my bed, a special Christmas blankie, my Rainbow Dash build a bear to snuggle with, no lights on, and soft, relaxing music playing on my IPod. Well, gotta go, peace out and HAPPY JAMMALIDAYS!! :)

    1. I love the tie, too.

    2. I well put my thick duvet over my head then my hands under my duvet but it's tempting to get up real early

  4. What is everybody hoping to get for Christmas? I really want a new phone.

    1. I'd like a new My Little Pony Build-a-bear(probably Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy), MAYBE an instagram account, a Critternation rat cage, and some rats:3



    2. Hmm , I'd like a new phone case and some clothes and a onsie

    3. I want a Rainbow Dash IPod cover.. I JUST LOVE HER!!! Instagram or a Commenting Account thing.. O.O ~Ambert

  5. My plan is to take my parent's old baby monitor and put it next to our Christmas tree, and then stay up and see where all the presents come from! :3

    1. Sounds fun

    2. LOL!!!! I wish I could still do that O.O

  6. I am going to bed in about 2 hours uk time as Santa normally comes at midnight , I can't wait!!! I wake up at 6:00am

  7. Tomorrow my dad Says I can get a google account , it's a extra present

  8. Night everyone I am going to bed now cause santa is 3 hours away

  9. I have some questions for anyone who blogs. How long does it take to start a blog from the beginning? How long does it take for you to post, about? Is there anything else I need to know about? What is the best website for making a blog?

    1. 1st question: It kind of takes a long time and dedication to make your blog more popular. 2nd question: Well, usually around 20 mins. on daily posts, but sometimes longer to update the blog. 3rd question: One of the most important points to make your blog good is to listen to jammers to see what they like and what they want more of. 4th question: I would say... Blogger.


  10. Scooter... it sounds like your stalking us but whatever. In my time zone I will be in bed when all the guests leave. Thats around 8-9 pm Western Canada Time. Lol I am teaching my 2 year old cousin whp Santa is.. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEH?! XDD Anyways, Merry Christmas! ~Ambert

  11. Did anyone have snails at their supper? I had like.. 46. I really can't resist them. Me and my uncle fight over who got the last one. What is your favorite Christmas Dinner meal? Why? ~Ambert


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