
Thursday, December 12, 2013


Hello Jammers! The new item being sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Gingerbread Tree...
Spoiler! The 12th Jamaaliday Gift is an Anemone Head Bow...
First underwater present!
 Did you see that the Main Menu has a new video...

Sky News

For 80,000 views, I have decided to host a party!!
I hope everyone can make it!
Thanks so much for viewing, commenting, and enjoying the blog!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Jump v.s. Tunnel Town


  1. I love the Anoneme Head Bows. ;)

  2. Same here! Tunnel Town and Jump are both great!

  3. I think Jump just cause i like to beat my buddies and stuff XD . But Tunnel Town is fun too!

  4. Definantly Jump! Jump is just so much fun. I just got it last night, and it is SO worth $2.00! You get to dress up your kangaroo, transfer your gems to your AJ account, and challenge all of your buddies!


  5. Jump! Because in tunnel town everything is so expensive and you barely get enough gems and it's like the only good way to get gems is to use money!

  6. I got the gift today for Anoneme Head Bows but I cant seem to find it; its a clothing piece right? I cant find it in my clothing section; it disappeared D:
    //dont know what to do........ ):

    1. You have to be underwater to see it in your clothing section. Try that! ^-^


  7. Last night I was logging in to all my accounts and after the first one it just skipped the server stage and logged me right into drava, which is the server I chose for the first account! Anyone else having that problem???!!!?!
    - rascalcat

  8. hey if any of u guyz want a green anonme bow plz trade meh a differ color
    my user is enternal12321. im on rite now (8:30pm in aj time)

    1. or creamy ... u know idk wut color XD just look on my list

  9. great I hope I can make it to ur party :) I jut moved from Canada to this other part of the world so ill try to figure out the time lol. comment call, hmmmmmm I cant tell cuz I got tunnel town and its really cute and adorable. but then again I cant get jump cuz my ipod tells me to answer security questions because its the first time I download something off the app store in this country, and I forgot the answers >.< so ill try to call apple or something to try to figure them out.


  10. I love you blog I go on it every day!


  11. Tunnel Town, I don't even have Jump yet! XD

  12. late for posting, (ITS APRIL SERIOUSLY?!??!) My birthday would be in 7 days!!

  13. Wow! Congrats on getting that many views!


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