
Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Great Escape Tunes

Hey Jammers! The Diamond Shop has finally came out with another new item in it's Music Section, it is The Great Escape Music...
 Catchy Tune! 
 The Daily Explorer posted a mysterious article....
So it has been confirmed that you can still might be able to break the bridge and ice! Keep on trying jammers!

Glitch Corner

Check out these two glitches sent from us by tunsax1. Notice the ever-so-famous invisible glitch has struck yet again! This time in the adventures. I am sorry to say you can't do anything to fix this glitch except to refresh the web page. Thanks, tunsax1!

~Do you have a glitch that you want featured? Send it to

Sky News

New Contest will be posted soon!
Have fun and happy jamming!!
Comment Call: Which adventure is your favorite and why?
The winner of yesterday's Discover Day chosen from a random drawing is lol89762! Congrats!

Weekly Overview
End of the Week? Lets look back and see what happened!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh ya! I forgot! I will edit this post right now :)

  2. well all the adventures are fine but i think the escape is the best the have is probaly the second for me. it is fun but a little to long and hard i have only won it 1 time though and my computer dose not have screen shot it happened to me and another glitch is when a arctic wolf is playing a adventure and is says they are non member but not me! i wonder if i am a nonmember on her screen.. anyway when the invisable glitch happened to mei was at a sleep and on the computer and i said hey! come over i am invisable come see before it ends! and well it never ended so that was fun but when i went to my den i was still inviable..


  3. My favorite adventure would have to be....... the Phantom Vortex! I just love the ending and how you have to fight the Phantom King^.^ I also like The Great Escape and how you have to climb up the tower, then you glide down on parachutes to get to the bottom. I am so exited for the next adventure and how Graham may be included! (He's my FAVORITE alpha besides Peck) Well I'm really exited for the contest and cool Blu the monkey post!

    ~ Dietcherry

    1. there is no such adventure as the phantom vortex cause the phantom vortex is these weird portals when night of the phantoms you mean the hive thats where you fight the king ok?

    2. Yes, that's what I meant. The Hive. Thank you for correcting me:)


  4. and my favorite adventure is meet cosmo since i'm a tiger and a seal i have no other choice but the phantom portal and return of the phantoms so i like meet cosmo because i can open the tiger passege and its also very fun

  5. I really like all of them! They are really cool adventures and they are fun to get gems, hangout with friends and have a good time! Also nice blog, Scooter! Keep up the GREAT work! ~Ambert

  6. Oh favorite adventure is probably... Great escape...

    Oh and my least favor is meet cosmo because 1 its way too long 2 very confusing
    3 never won it in my life O-O

    --nbcnc--(nbcnc is aj crazy rushes username)

  7. Hi thanks for posting snowy didnt post


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