
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Seaweed Boa

Hello Jammers! Today is November 12, 2013. Bahari Bargains has started selling Seaweed Boa's again...
SEAWEED on Make A Gif

The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item Monday...
Cheetahs are now pretty popular for the photo booth. They are very photogenic.

Mystery of the Week

The Phantoms are the most mysterious things in Jamaa. They come from different things, such as the "phantom ooze." However, since the latest adventure it appeared that they came from a Phantom Volcano. What the mystery is how they are made. It shows them just randomly coming out of the volcano. So how or who made the phantoms? Are they made of ooze? How do they become alive? Do they just keep appearing out of no where? 

Sky News

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Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Answer the Mystery above!

I LOVE thanks-giving. I eat turkey, mashed potatoes, corn bread, anything I can put on my plate. My absolute favorite is this pink stuff my grandma makes. It has oranges and other things in it. I sometimes call it, truffala. Like the truffala trees in the Lorax.



  1. well if u read what greely and cosmo have to say, the volcano has nothing to with the creation on phantoms they had taken over the volcano and the ooze just from my opinon comes from the volcano and the phantoms where made way way back then i would say bye the time of zois he had made mira and when zois died mira cried over jamaa and her tears terned into phantoms so that is all u need to know!!
    -lol89762 p.s zombies were made in the big scream! :)

  2. i luv luv luv ur blog scoot!!

  3. Well after doing some research, I found some facts on Phantoms. They were actually formed after Zios died. Mira, the Sky Mother, was heartbroken after she lost her companion spirit, Zios, the Sky father. Her feelings of sadness and anger fell to the earth of Jamaa. Mira's tears mixed with the elements of Jamaa and formed the dark mysterious phantoms that haunt this land today. Because of the sadness and anger that they were created from, the phantoms' only goal is to bring chaos and destruction to Jamaa. Since the present for finding the eggs in Easter includes Phantoms, I think that these creatures MAY hatch from eggs. And to add, Cosmo says to you in the adventures that the Phantom Tower was originally theirs, but the phantoms took it over. This is what I think, you don't have to agree.:)

    1. that what i said! i am saying u copied but just saying

  4. duuuuuuuuude…. UR SO COPYING! Dude, snowy claw did this mystery thing lonnnnng ago, scooter. Don't kill me, I'm just stating its weird that after snowy claw does something, you do it…… ._.

    1. Sorry Sarah R. I didn't even know Snowyclaw did this mystery :.( I am not copying her, sometimes we will talk about the same things. I am sorry! And I don't do something, after snowyclaw does it. I have a Sky Schedule, Plushie Comic, Jammer of the Month, Beta Tab, and tons more content different. I try to make this blog be unique and stand out.


    2. whoo whoo hold up snowy claw is a girl??! i thouhgt she was boy! ok are we talking about the same mystery?


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