
Monday, November 4, 2013

Rare Shark Tooth Necklace

Hey Jammers, I am back ^-^ How is everyone keeping up? The Rare Item Monday is actually underwater in Bahari Bargains, it is a Rare Shark Tooth Necklace...
The colors are very unique and we haven't seen a Rare underwater item in awhile. I want more Rare Den items though! The Jam Mart Clothing Store has came out with Faerie Wings...
I wonder why they aren't spelled like "Fairy." The Jam Mart Clothing Store also has came out with Antlers...
I wonder why they aren't sold in the Hot Cocoa Hut anymore!
There is a new video in the Aquarium...

The Daily Explorer has posted tons of articles...
 Cool a new segment, and it is affirmed that the Diamond Shop All White is a rumor!
 There is also a News Crew Assignment and some fun activities!   


Glitch Corner

Have you ever been stuck? Look above. One of my friends was standing still, but they were in the running! Weird, although it happens a lot!


 Den Designer

Abandoned Factory
To make an Abandoned Factory you will need a Phantom Cog or two, a Phantom Pipe, some Fog, and a Spiderweb. This simple design can be very interesting!


Sky News

The winner of the Where in Jamaa Contest has been chosen! Click here to see the winner!
3 Days to vote on the Poll!
The Comment Call is located below from now on. Have fun and happy jamming!!

Click here to send your Art!

Comment Call: Which Rare Item is best? [Rare Clothing, Den, Underwater]


  1. Rare clothing. but rares don't matter. It's a matter of fact that someone quits when they get scammed. Sadly, AJ is about friends, and having a good time. Not all of that stuff like: Clans, like me my den, scamming, hacking, etc. Just saying my opinion, lol.


  2. can u add otto on the alpha tab? i know he probaly shaman though because there are 4 main shamans witch are the alphas they are grahm, liza,peck and cosmo.

  3. YES!!!! THEY FINALLY PUT AN END TO THAT STUPID DIAMOND SHOP MYTH XD I Dunno why that got to me, but it did...

    And I'd have to say a tie between den items and clothing, but clothing seems kind of cooler.

  4. Clothing rates are my favorite

  5. Clothing rares are really cool, but I like the den rares too! It was fun getting a den rare the other week, and it seems like all we get now are member clothing rares! I think they should do more den rares. ~Sparklefootball

  6. I wouldn't mind any as long as every other week it would be non member it would be fairer

  7. I really think that rare clothing items are fun. It is a great way to show that you're unique to other jammers. I agree that Animal Jam is all about fun, but it is also fun to show that you are different with rares. I also like den rares because of their awesome colors. My favorite den rare is the wavy bookshelf.


  8. Rare fox hat, and rare worn blanket which i dont have but i want SOOOOOO bad!

  9. I think new year's party hats are best spikes worns and all of that stuff is TOO overated and i think spikes are weird anyway RARES are PIXELS AKA THEIR NOT REAL PPL TREAT THEM LIKE ITS THEIR FAMILY ---nbcnc

  10. I have the bigger phantom cog, where can the other be won at? :S


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