
Friday, October 4, 2013

World Animal Day and Octoberfest

Hey Jammers! Did you know today is World Animal Day!?! Click here to go to their website! Anyway the Jam Mart Clothing Store has two new items...
Perfect Scary items for Night of the Phantoms! The Epic Wonders Globe has a new Pet Haunted Mansion...

The Jam Mart Furniture Store has the World Animal Day Banner because today is World Animal Day!

The Aquarium has came out with a new Stingray Video...

 The Daily Explorer posted a new News Crew Assignment...
They are due Sunday, October 13th!

Sky News

As you seen in the Title of this post, I am having an Octoberfest! Everyday till Halloween I will post a costume that you can wear for Halloween! It will be a great oppurtunity to have sime fun and learn new costumes! So here is the Epic Dragon Costume...

The More Blogs Tab is updated. Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your favorite Animal in the World?


  1. I like the artic wolf because they look SUPER cute when their sleeping. They also have a very fluffy mane-thing.:)

  2. I think my favorite anima would have to be....maybe a fox or something. They are so cute! I also really like cheetahs. They are really cool and fast and stuff. ~ SparkleFootball

  3. mine is the liger. it is half lion half tiger! and yes it it real look it up! and i think you should start doing a fashion friday and do a outfit for a girl and a boy!

    btw you forgot fashion friday or was that dragon it cause you did not show the price!

    1. Instead of doing a Fashion Friday, the month of October I will show you an outfit everyday that you can wear for Night of the Phantoms :)

    2. thanks! :D! i love the new back rounds! you should do a tab for epic parts of epic dens! here is how it will go you will go to a epic and find a cool part of it you think is cool and show all the jammers that go on this blog! also show username so all jammers can go see this den! also some kids in my school go on animal jam too and make newspapers so they can keep up with all the news and i might put some of the the den things might go in my newspaper! i have lots of sketches all ready i am doing a compation for who have the coolest epic den!

  4. scooter u need more contests please put more^.^



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