
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Halo, Balloons, Hershey87's Petition

Hi Jammers! I love Night of the Phantoms celebration ^-^ The new item sold in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is a Halo...
The Jam Mart Furniture Store is also selling Scary Balloons..

Yesterday, I forgot to tell you about new wallpaper and flooring in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...

Brady's Theater has a new video playing...

The Daily Explorer posted an Epic Den of the Week...
Congrats Might Spiritcloud!! Cool plants too :)
Speaking of plants, look at the Epic Seasonal Tree...
The leaves are falling!! 
Also, guess what is on today...
Sadly, I am at school at this time :(

Rumor Reader

Last Thursday, the message above was in the Jamaa Journal. They announced a new animal would be heading into Jamaa! Based on the clues it could be a cheetah, hyena, leopard, jaguar, or any other animal. Now here are some questions to consider:
  1. What is the Animal?
  2. Will is be for members or nonmembers?
  3. Will is be gift card/diamond shop?
  4. Will they come with anything (new land, giraffes, rhinos, a pet)?

Sky News

I recently got an email about an interesting petition...

It was brought to my attention that nonmembers can not view chat history! Wow! So if you want to join this petition just comment your user and why you want it to change. Remember I did not start this petition, Hershey87 did! So I am just endorsing it on my blog. Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Comment your user and why you want AJHQ to change the chat history back, if you want to help Hershey87's Petition.


  1. Thanks so much for posting this!! It is soo helpful!


    2. I meant xXWingedHeartXx not wimd LOL

    3. I sign because non mems need a better time on AJ
      Blueberry b

  2. I'm SparkleFootball, and I think taking away the chat history option is just messed up!!!! I Am a nonmember and I noticed, but I thought it was a glitch or something. Are you kidding me?!? They cant just all the sudden take away options that were always nonmember!!!! WHAT IS THE POSSIBLE BENIFET OF THIS?

    1. This is just me (SparkleFootball) again. I just want it noted that I think that although members get way more benifets than nonmembers, it is kind of fair because members are paying. I think that taking away chat history is wrong, but if you compare to some other internet games nonmembers are getting it pretty decent on animal jam. There is cool nonmember clothing and we can play all the mini games. So I think that making new features member only is fair enough, but taking away old nonmember features and making them member is just messed up.

  3. User: Artemis22
    Non members have been complaining lately about how members are starting to get way to many benefits and it's just not fair for them at all, which I believe is partly true, but not allowing them to read from the chat history box just doesn't make any sense at all. What if someone was trying to scam them, and they needed proof about it, and the only way to show the proof is by reading through the chat history? Or what if their friend said something important, and they missed it? I believe that it's very unfair and unreasonable that AJ took away the chat history button from non members, it isn't even a privilege, it's more if a safety tool! Animal Jam's main priority is safety, right? Well, it doesn't seem like it now .-.

  4. I noticed the chat thing too! I didn't realize anyone else had... I'm cookers113578. :)

  5. Thank you so much for telling us!!!!!!!! Plus I met you at your animal jam's bday party.

    1. ^ about the chat thing. I thought I only knew about it.

  6. Oh my gosh, I hope the new animal is not a cheetah. They would be way too similar to the snow leopord! I'm hoping on it being a hyena, I would love to see those!

  7. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE XD seriously, this is really unfair. I mean, AJHQ workers are telling us that you need to buy a membership just to see what other people said before you? THAT is unfair.

    I´d enjoy being part of this

  8. Anyone love to role-play? Want to be in a pack and be a wolf? Then come to this Theres a spot for an alpha for a pack THAT ANYONE can ask to be, just sign up and make an account on the game and HAV FUN!

  9. it is not for members only cause i i have trierd! i am a member! i think it is just a glitch, other MEMBERS have been complaining about this! also scooter i do not not know if you noticed this but on yesterdays post there was a bad word on the comments! i think you should make your comment this so that you cqan NOT say bad words like that! dont belive me? about being a member? or the bad word? my user is lol89762 and look at yesterdays comments!

  10. AJ make the members reall stand out. They get more things, more anything just for money. Now the non members can't see the chat history! Extremely no fair! I'm talking to AJHQ, Not the members!

  11. This isn't fair. I've noticed that the chat history has been gone and I've been wondering why. Sometimes I leave my computer still logged on to use the bathroom and my friend talks to me, but I' don't know what they said! Instead of theme having to retry pe what they wanted toi tell me I'd rather look in the chat history instead of have them retype again - jammer20356

  12. I am savethesealife and I am agreeing with Hershey87's petition.

  13. hi it's missdarlingjammer i think it is VERY unfair my perents cant afored me to me a member so i think aj is just being mean to people not being able to afored it....


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