
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bat Brains and Weekly Overviews

Welcome Jammers to the Animal Jam Sky Blog! I am Scooter (chocolate4050) if you don't already know. The Jam Mart Clothing Store is selling a totally new item...

Brain Helmets! They are very smart for thinking of this ;)
The Jam Mart Clothing Store is also selling returning Bat Glasses...

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Online Safety again...

Speaking of Online Safety... There is a new code that gets you this....
The Code is STAYSAFE and another code I posted a while back is CHIMBU but I already told you guys about that one.


Glitch Corner

This annoying glitch has been haunting Jamaa for a long time now....
 Notice when you open a jammers animals their clothes change to all the same, as well as their eyes.
 It happens to me all the time. I am sorry to say that there is no fix to this glitch. All we can do is tell AJHQ to please fix it!


Sky News

Incredible Toughcat was voted back into the contest yesterday!

Comment Call: Vote a jammer out! (Incredible is safe for this round, so do not vote him out)

Did you notice that I changed the background? Do you like it? I am adding Cornelius the Croc to the Alphas Tab today by the way. Also, did you notice the title says "Weekly Overview" well if you wonder what that is just read below! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Weekly Overview

I have decided at the end of every week I will make a slideshow of what awesome things happened this week, so here you go...


  1. yay incredible.......but OMG its impossible to choose. eny meenyminy moo...... I choose Awesome? she's one of my favorite,but doesn'e have a very sweet costume, so oh well.

  2. He he, that's me!!! (The one with the Viking hat on)

  3. Awesome arctic wolf

  4. I vote Fuzzy Icyspirit out. ~SparkleFootball

  5. awesome arctic wolf. sorry whoever awesome is! its just ur outfits not really a great costume, but it is still good!

  6. I think Awesome ArcticWolf's outfit is awesome! Just cause its Halloween doesn,t mean your costume has to be scary! Clearly she is an angel. I think it's cool! I hope she doesn't get voted out yet. ~SparkleFootball

  7. I know what another glitch for my friends and me are?
    NO TRADING, I go to a players profile and click trade and it does'nt let me trade! URGH ~Doogal

  8. How do you do the slide shows? I've been wanted to do that on my blog.

    ~Annakin Skywalker

    1. There are a lot of ways to make a slideshow. I use the website Photosnack. You can use it if you really want too. I would just search for some great slideshow sites on Google.

  9. Wait, did unicorn horns get longer on horses or something? .-. It looks like it, but.... just be sure, I'll ask.

    1. They certainly do look bigger ^.^ Some items change size on some animals though!


    2. Oh, thanks, I see now that it looks bigger! I hardly ever see horses in Jamaa! XD


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