
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wind Gauntlets and Improvement

Hi Animal Jammers! There is a no update today, so lets get started with the new item...
Very sleek design! I love this new armor set!!
Oh and just a reminder the Summer Carnival is here for exactly 1 more week!

Blog News

Comment Call: What would make this blog better?

I hope everyone comments about the comment call! Please I need to see what I am doing right and wrong! I have noticed that the stats have not been the same as they used to these past couple days. I am not doing anything different as I used to, so I think that is because school started and jammers don't have a lot of extra time to play Animal Jam. Is that what it is? Please~Please~Please~Please Comment!!!! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hmmm maybe.... better side topics?

  2. well giveaways usually get a good number of views.

  3. Scooter what is a fair trade for a nm sword? Its brown btw. And an awesome jammer tab would be cool.
    amypondgetyourcoat. Doctor arcticwolf

    1. Well nonmember swords were really rare until you could get them in Adventures. They are still rare though. I would think a worn, or a nonmember bat wings would be a good trade for a nm sword.


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
3.) No Advertising Your Websites Please
The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.