
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Silver Chain Necklace and Wind Tail Armor

Hello everybody! The new item for sale in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is a Silver Chain Necklace...
Not an amazing item, but a good edition to the catalog. Remember what AJHQ says.... More Variety=More Fun!! Anyway, there is also another new item in the Diamond Shop, it is the Wind Tail Armor....
Looks like a skinny regular Tail Armor...Cool!!
The Daily Explorer posted a video article about trading...
This was a pretty old video AJHQ ^.^ 

Glitch Corner

For this weeks glitch corner I was in the Lost Temple of Zios and I was doing a skyway! Lets just say that it lead to tons of glitches. Here you go...
Invisible Wall

Floating in Doorway

Walking on Water

Swimming on Land

If you have glitches that you want to be shown send them to

Blog News

Did you notice all the new background changes? What do you think about them? Also did you see the newly remodeled Animal Jammer Art which used to be the Animal Jam Sky Members Mini Blog. Now you can easily send your art from here...

Comment Call: What is the most annoying glitch that you experience?


  1. When you have a buddy list full and it accidentally deletes them, and I kind of think they removed the dolphin in land areas too :C -The one and only doogal :3 Btw 1st comment! ^-^

  2. The buddy list glitch where you add someone and log off. Then you come back in AJ and your buddy has been deleted! >:O Also, I don't like the new glitch where you view a player's animals and they all take up the clothes and stuff of another animal. Stupid glitches.

  3. I have a gold chain necklace! Anyone want it?


  4. Look at my blog?


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