
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pirate Hat and 40,000 views

 Hello Everyone! The Animal Jam Sky Blog is celebrating 40,000 views today!! Woo!! We will get to that later.. The Jam Mart Clothing Store has came out with another YoHo! Pirate item. It is a Pirate Hat...
This item goes great with every animal, but I have heard it looks best with a penguin!

Raccoons are so fluffy and cute ^-^

Before we get to the 40,000 view celebration, lets talk mystery! The Kimbara Outback's medical center is a great place to buy clothes and get better after a long day of adventuring. However, there is some mystery behind it!  Notice there are picture frames and a big opening all covered by curtains. What could they be covering? Do you think that it is hiding a den shop? What would be sold there? 
Comment Call: What are the curtains hiding??

Well I just want to thank everyone for the opportunity to even have 40,000 views! I am so happy to see jammers using the blog and enjoying. I also love when jammers get involved by entering contests, sending pictures, and commenting!! I am very excited to have many more posts in the future!!! Now to the prizes:

1st Prize: Beta Tab

Have you noticed at the top I have replaced the "About Scooter" Tab with the "Beta" Tab! Now you can enjoy beta times articles anytime. I know when you look at it you might think Hey that is just the Blast to the Past articles. Well that leads to my second prize...

2nd Prize: Den Designer

Take a look at the Sky Schedule on the left column. Sundays were Blast to the Past days, but now since there is a "Beta" tab, Sundays are now Den Designer days!! Den Designer Sundays are when I give cool den tips on how to make your den a pawesome den!

3rd Prize: AJ Birthday Party 


Thanks again! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Congrats on 40,000 views! - xXRobinHoodXx

  2. I think the picture frames will hold degrees and stuff. Maybe there will be a den shop with stretchers and hospital beds and IV units. Also congrats on 40,000 views!!!! that's really exciting! ~SparkleFootball

  3. if i where awesoem witch i am i would come to the party so i am! and also i think the frames are hiding photos of famous doctors! and i think it is kind of dumb that you you cant sit on the hostpitil bed... so i wondring if you might have a idea scooter! if anyone eles does just replay my comment!

    lol89762 is aweome remember that!

    1. i wish i could get on the hospital bed it is dumb how you cant!!!!

  4. Hello Scooter! Btw not to be mean but the Pirate Hats are an "Returning'' item! -Doogal

  5. Is sad it's stovetop I wish I could win :( mom won't let me go on because meh bro is always on and she gets MAD!!!!!

  6. I think snoyclaw should feature you on her blog
    ^.^ stovetop


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