
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Phantom Cage and Mascots

Welcome Fellow Jammers! The new item being sold in the Adventure Shop is a stronger Phantom Cage...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item Monday...

Also here is another adventure prize you can win on the Hard Mode of Cosmo's Adventure...
 When you click the big tree the boomseeds disappear!

Mystery of the Week

The upcoming Adventure "The Hive" is letting jammers have a preview! Just past the other adventures there is a sneak preview of the Hive adventure. It is dark, scary, and full of phantoms! The mystery is what is the hive? Will there be a huge phantom? Where in Jamaa will this adventure be located? Comment thoughts below!

Blog News

Yesterday I said that a long time ago we voted a name for the Lady Bug in Jamaa Township, ehich turned out to be Nom Nom! Now there has been another Lady Bug spotted in the Adventure Base Camp...
There has been a lot of suggested names and I loved them all! But of course there can only be one! So I decided that the best and most creative name for the second lady bug is....   Meme!  (Pronounced: Me Me) So the name of our two ladybugs are Nom Nom, and Meme! What a cute couple ^-^  I have officially made them the Blog's Mascots! Check out their picture on the left! That is all for today! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. It's so awesome seeing another jammer interested in the ladybugs. I always see them and name them myself too.

  2. Wow this is better then snowyclaw :O ^.^

    1. Thank you very much! I like Snowyclaw's Blog though, however she hasn't been posting a lot this month :/ Thanks!

  3. i am so happy! that name was the won i came up with! man today is a good day to much to comment! the only down side is i have homework!!!!!!! oh and btw if you have'ent you have to read the ghost of fossil glen it such a good book i finished it at the end of school! i am sad its over but i am still happy! i hope there will be a #2 like the dead guy in the book he gets revenge. or somthing like that. i really enjoy reading relistic fiction ghost stories...... i checked out 2 out the library today. and in my teachers class library i also checked out a book in the mystery collom wow i i am typing so fast!!!! again what a great day! but my house is still haunted......... okay none of the is really animal jam related i just need a exause for not doingg my home work...... spell and math man! and just think when we star book reports!! ok i am just going to type and click to like 8:30 witch i know wont happen so........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... sorry about all the dots like i said i really do not want to my homework! ok i am tpying really slowy now i have till 4:37 so ya... i am going to press enter now!


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