
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eye Patch and Beat Dens

Hey Jammers! It is a start to another great week! The new nonmember item being sold in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is an eye patch...

The Aquarium is also featuring a new video about coral...

 In other Jamaasian news, yesterday tons of jammers dressed as Gummy bears!! 
Haha yummy!!

AJHQ is now introducing a new program called "National Geographic Kids and Family Team" Ask your parents before joining this club.

This week's Blast to the Past goes back to the old Animal Jam Dens! These dens were HUGE! There were bridges, ladders, and levels to climb, run, and play. They were set up so you enter on a bridge and you go inside a giant wooden mansion. Of course back then you could not change dens because there was only one type!

Today is the last day to vote on the Expedition Poll, some where on the right column--> 
Just a fun fact, yesterday I needed to renew my membership and I got a snow leopard with the 10 diamonds...
I love snow leopards! Now the only Diamond Shop animal I need is the lion. I need a lion ^-^
Anyway some news tomorrow or the next day the blog will have 40,000 views so get ready for some great prizes! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your favorite animal on Animal Jam?


  1. My fave animal is the snow leopard becuase fhey are so cyte!!^•^

  2. My favorite animal is probably Snow Leopards and Artic Wolves. - xXRobinHoodXx

  3. My favorite animal is the Raccoon and the Fox! <3

  4. I cant choose my favorite animal. theyre all just so awesome! and I saw those pandas, its was so funny X3

  5. I absolutely LOVE this blog. U know, everyone always loves snowyclaw's blog so much, but she doesn't put as much thought and detail as u do. I used to think her's was the best, but now the posts are like 2 sentences. Basically it is " Hey Jammers! New update today and new item, the ______!
    (photo goes here)
    and a music vid from ______! " Boring right? BUt yours is so exciting and interesting.

  6. OMG! I SAW YOU! I saw how awesome you looked and nearly said but I got distracted :c

  7. Oh and everyone was a gummy bear because Julian2 was having a gummy bear party. :L


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