
Friday, August 9, 2013

Stone Carved Tool Bench

Hi Jammers! The totally new item sold in Outback Imports is a Stone Carved Tool Bench....
Neat idea! ^-^
The Daily Explorer did not post any articles at this time. Hmm, that's unusual!

Secret of the Week

Since the recent update I have two secrets! So let's begin...

Part 1: 
There has been a recent item floating around that is not yet in stores. It is a slingshot:
Credit: AJE

I am sure we will see this soon in the Jam Mart Furniture Store!

Part 2: 
In the Return of the Phantoms adventure, there is a stone to unlock that only foxes can unlock for a treasure chest. Now in the Hard Mode of that same adventure there is a fox stone to unlock and a lion stone to unlock! Look:
I have heard that you still just get clothing items or den items that are sold in stores. 

Blog News

Here is the newest edition of the Skymail Video Collection, it is Skymail #5! Enjoy!

  • New AJ Time Clock to make your AJ experience better!
  • Comment which Bio I should do next?
    •  Edmund the Giraffe
    • Harper the Seal 
    • Graham the Monkey

That's all for today! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. U should do graham :) first comment

    1. Cool I watched the sky mail it's really awesome! Glad u liked my item :)
      In the next one can u show my den in the video pls:)

    2. yay do the monkey

  2. Replies
    1. By Bio I mean a description of an Alpha or Shaman on the Alphas Tab.

  3. This blog is amazing. I think you deserve more exposure! :D Have you ever thought about adding a followers gadget?

    1. I will look into that! Thanks for the suggestion :3

  4. Ive got a slingshot only way to get them so far is if you play hard in phantom portal and one of the players your playing with is a lion and the other person is a fox, in the first chest you can win a cool rare or a necklace and in the second chest you win a slingshot jammers try doing this! -The one and only doogal :3

  5. Lol someone just traded me a purple and green headdress for my second sling shot I feel so lucky lol. I can't wear one cuz I don't have membership and my parents say no to buying me one so I can trade mine for something fair :) u guys can jam a gram meh ur offas I think most fair traded will do. No member items pls unless its a REALLY good item :) c u in Jamaa

    1. I could definitely use a headdress! I will send you a jam-a-gram of my offer :)

    2. Slingshots are coming just like tie dye shirts and rare backpacks so i think that person will be mad when they come in stores.. -The one and only doogal :3

  6. My items list has 2 new items! 2 SLINGSHOTS! If youve havent read any other comments or the story and you dont wanna do the advture trade me im doogal just a click away! :D -The one and only doogal :3

  7. Excuse me, Scooter, but I believe that it is an Arctic Wolf portal which only Arctic Wolves can unlock, instead of a Fox Portal. Thank you.

    1. No in the second adventure there is a fox one and then if you walk further it is a lion one. The Arctic Wolf one is in the first adventure. Thanks for the politeness :) very nice!

    2. You need to do it in hard but i rarely do it because of all the lag :T _The one and only doogal :3

  8. Lol im walking around town saying italian stuff! Im speaking italian

  9. I dont speak spanish lol

  10. hi wolfiepaws22031 i speak italian :3


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