
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Peridot Birthstone and 20,000 Views

Hi Jammers and welcome August! Since it is a new month there is a new birthstone sold in Epic Wonders! It is a Peridot Birthstone to place on your trophy case...
This one looks much different than the others!


Just 5 months ago, I started blogging. Just 5 months ago, I started loving Animal Jam even more. Just 5 months ago, I only had 1 view a day, and now we are at 20,000 views! Yes, I say we because I may own the blog and post everyday, but you guys are the readers! This blog is dedicated to all Jammers so they can make their Animal Jam experience better! I am happy to be helping people. I hope there are many more views to come. I will keep blogging, if jammers keep reading and commenting. Thank you so much!!!

Now on with the part you all have been waiting for. PRIZES! There are many prizes below:

Prize #1: Backgrounds

Prize #2: Graphics

Prize #3: New Polls

Can you find all 3 new polls?

Prize #4: A Party

Blog News

Jammer of the Month

A new month may bring a new birthstone, but it also brings us a new Animal Jam Sky Blog's Jammer of the Month! The randomly chosen Jammer of the Month of August is.....
theawsomeness, Congrats!

Contest Winner

Poll Results

Have fun and happy jamming!!

Show off your art and news here!


  1. i can't wait O.0 to go to your parrrrrrrty!!

  2. Everybody its my birthday tomorrow can you please send me gifts - epicjoy

  3. Yay thanks soooooooooo much I'm so happy tht I'm the jammer of the month :) u guys r all great jammers tho!

  4. If u comment on the sky blog or just read it buddy me and send me a jam a gram saying horses rock! Just wanted to know if ur part of the sky blog! I LUV UR BLOG OMG LOL

  5. Oooooooo and congrats to the party contest winner! Ur entry was great!

  6. I won't make it to the party, I'm on a trip!!!! I'm so devastated ;( -nafaria9

    1. I am sorry to hear that! Maybe you can make the next party I have.

  7. UHHHHHHHH I might not make it for the party I will try tho cuz were moving like I mentioned in a few posts and my computer got disconnected (its a laptop tht is a lot like a desktop) so I might have to use another computer if I have to. I will try to make it tho!

  8. What's eastern time? Is it like in Canada or USA

    1. Eastern time is considered the time on the East coast of the US.

    2. Here is a website that will help:

  9. ugh. that was the worst party entry i'd ever seen!

  10. Hey! be nice anonymous! I wish my entry had won but congrats to the winner! ^.^


  11. I'm not in the US so how do I calculate eastern time now ??

  12. i cant wait too congrats on the views

  13. Can you help me with my blog?


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