
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meet Cosmo

Hi Jammers, there is an update today! First off, lets start with the new item, which is a desk and chair sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...
Here is the first page...

I decided to make a slideshow of some of the new adventures images. Enjoy!

By the way I will post the prizes tomorrow!

There is also a new Call of the Wild in Jamaa Township...

Blog News

  • Awesome Jammer Art and New Art posted on the Sky Members Mini Blog
  • Skymail #6 was pushed back to being filmed today!
Comment Call: Do you like the update? Comment thoughts below!!

Remember I will post the Prizes tomorrow! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. OMG TGAT IS SO EXCITING!!! Think, what if AJ makes a DS game for the DS, DSI, and 3DS? That comment call... they are probably going to make a game for what is voted the most!!

    1. >_< I can't play on the Nintendo games... I can't play DSI because i accidentally broke it a long time ago =\
      I dont have a 3DS or a DS..
      Also, most people will most likely vote for the Apple products..
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  2. I like the Update. However the new adventure is EXTREMELY lengthy. XP
    I might start a school with that new desk .0.


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