
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Turquoise Necklace

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is a turquoise necklace sold in the Epic Wonders Clothing Orb....

Despite the name, you can change the color. This is a very jamaasian item, 
and it looks like something the Alphas would wear.

Anyway, there is also a new video...
Ava liable in Brady Barr's theater 

The Daily Explorer posted a Kimbara Outback article...

Mystery of the Week

With a new land there becomes many secrets. Have you noticed that there are a lot of man-made items? For example, there is a wheel, deck, and a "wild west" themed building. It seems as though this land is wild west and Australian themed. So my question is... who build these items? Was it the koalas? Was it the Alphas? Were they already built a long time ago? But by who? Comment your opinion below!

Blog News

That's all for today! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Show off your art and reports here!


  1. I think animal jam takes place after the apocalypse and many man made things are left over- epicjoy PS just a guess

  2. My moms birthday was this 25th

  3. ...
    You deleted me as a buddy AGAIN...
    -Cheesewedge D}:

    1. Cheesewedge! I have told you this before! Listen, I am NOT deleting you as a buddy! For some reason in never pops up! It is a glitch that we have to deal with. It happens a lot with my other buddies and their buddies too! Sorry!

    2. That's what has happened to me! When I buddy someone then log off, they seem to not be my buddy anymore, and then they get a little mad. But they'll believe me, and they'll be my buddy again.

    3. Oh....
      I though that u didn't like me....
      Sorry bout that.... >.<
      Cheesewedge :{D

    4. ya he is right it happens to me all the time! lol89762

  4. Who your use- shadowbolt50

  5. I hate my computer. Whenever I go on AJ, everything freezes. :(

  6. i hate that i go on sometimes and i cant do anything


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