
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pet Monkey Plushie

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the expected pet monkey plushie in the plushie booth at the Summer Carnival...


There is also a new video in the Sarepia Theater....

 The Daily Explorer posted an Epic Den of the Week......
Congrats, Infinity Arctic Wolf!

Rumor Reader

The Jamaa Journal hinted that the next Jamaa Journal would probably involve Cosmo and adventures...

So the rumor is.. Will there be a Jamaa Journal tomorrow? Will Cosmo be in a new adventure in the next Jamaa Journal? Or will the next Jamaa Journal be about the stores opening up in Kimbara Outback? Which rumor is true to you?

Blog News

  • Journey of the Wolves Movie added to the Videos Mini Blog
  • Last Day to enter the Party Contest
  • Last Day to vote on the Kimbara Outback Poll
  • New post on the Sky Members Mini Blog
The Animal Jam Sky Blog almost has 20,000 views! WOW! I will be hosting a party definitely! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Show off your art and news here!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Giant Pet Monkey Plushie and Schedule

Hi everyone! Today's new item is a Giant Pet Monkey Plushie sold in the Summer Carnival Plushie Booth...

I wonder if there will be a nonmember Pet Monkey Plushie?
Anyway, the Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item Monday..

Mystery of the Week

The Cruise Ship Party was a great idea for a party, but there is some mystery behind it...

 The mystery has to deal with the animals involved with it. First off, who is driving the ship? Do you think it is in "cruise mode" or is an animal steering it? Second, there are animals above. Who are they? Do you think that they are normal jammers? I interviewed some and they said that they think it is the dolphin and shark shaman! Hmm. I don't think it is that far out, but who knows for sure.

Skymail #4

Here is the 4th edition of the Skymail videos! Thanks to everyone who asked questions and sent gifts! 

Remember you can send questions/gifts anytime and they will be shown in the next Skymail video!

Blog News

Have you noticed that I have made a schedule for the Animal Jam Sky Blog? It should be on the left column. This is how it goes: Sunday-Blast to the Past....Monday-Rare Item Monday.....Tuesday-Mystery of the Week....Wednesday-Rumor Reader....Thursday-Jamaa Journal.....Friday-Secret of the Week....Saturday-Glitch Corner. I am excited for the schedule because of more secrets, rumors, and much more fun things! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Show off your artwork and news here!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Real Musketeer Boots

Hey Jammers! Here is a preview about the Rare Item Monday...

Real Musketeer Boots are available on the first page of the Jam 
Mart Clothing Store worth 1,000 gems. You can also change the colors...  

I wonder why they are called "Real" Musketeer Boots instead of "Rare" 
Musketeer Boots. They look nothing like the non-rare ones so maybe that's why. 
We all knew this was coming because someone got them as an adventure prize.

There is also a new video in the aquarium theater.

Anyway, the Daily Explorer posted a Journey Book hint...

Click here for all locations!

Blast to the Past

Now it is time for my favorite segment.. a Blast to the Past! This one is specifically about old Jamaa Journals!! Look how they used to look like....

This Jamaa Journal was from the first Day of the Phantoms (Halloween) in Jamaa! It shows how the shamans(Alphas) had a lot to do with Jammers back then before they left.

Blog News

Show off your artwork and news here!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Turquoise Bracelet

**New Code: Alphas **

Hi Jammers! Today's new item goes with yesterday's necklace, it is a turquoise bracelet sold in the Epic Wonders Clothing Orb...


The Daily Explorer posted an articles about the cute little koalas coming back...

Secret of the Week

Also, take note that Brady's Expeditions have been switched with the duck experiment...
So if your wanting to do an expedition, remember it is now located on the wall.

Rumor Reader

Have you seen an unreleased item before? Remember the shelves in the adventures? Well there is another unreleased item available in the adventures...
A Tie-Dye Shirt! Cool! I bet in a couple of days we will see this in stores!

Blog News

Have fun and happy jamming!!

Show off your artwork and news here!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Turquoise Necklace

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is a turquoise necklace sold in the Epic Wonders Clothing Orb....

Despite the name, you can change the color. This is a very jamaasian item, 
and it looks like something the Alphas would wear.

Anyway, there is also a new video...
Ava liable in Brady Barr's theater 

The Daily Explorer posted a Kimbara Outback article...

Mystery of the Week

With a new land there becomes many secrets. Have you noticed that there are a lot of man-made items? For example, there is a wheel, deck, and a "wild west" themed building. It seems as though this land is wild west and Australian themed. So my question is... who build these items? Was it the koalas? Was it the Alphas? Were they already built a long time ago? But by who? Comment your opinion below!

Blog News

That's all for today! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Show off your art and reports here!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pet Owl Plushies

Hello everyone! Scooter here. The Summer Carnival is selling new owl plushies today...


Notice that the Freedom Plushie Booth got replaced with the real plushie booth........

The Daily Explorer posted a tiny kangaroo article...

Secret of the Week

Have you noticed that there are a lot of abandoned buildings around Jamaa? 
In Kimbara Outback

In Kimbara Outback

In the Adventure Base Camp
In the Summer Carnival

Do not worry though because they will probably be open soon! Remember the abandoned building in the Temple of Zios? That became the Adventure Base Camp! So stay tuned and watch out for new stores!

Blog News

That's all for now jammers! By the way how do you like the new land? Were you expecting something different? How do you like the name? Comment your thoughts below :) Have fun and happy jamming!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Kimbara Outback

**New Code:      HOOOT**

Hi Jammers! Today is the big day..a new land! Cosmo and the koalas have came back with kangaroos,  and found a new land called...Kimbara Outback!
Kangaroos are now available at the Diamond Shop!

Kimbara Outback is a mix between Coral Canyons and Appondale!

Welcome Back! Kimbara Outback is now in the Journey Book!

You can now choose normal and hard! There are different prizes which I will post tomorrow!

Notice you can turn the level icon on and off!
It will show right here!

I can't wait for updates!

Now the new item is in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Phantom Shirt...

New Video in the Sarepia Theater!
Look at the newly designed Jamaa Map too! I like it....

The Daily Explorer got a new spot for the Tunnel Town video...

Here is the updated calendar...

There is also a new video in Jammer Central!
Eat em' Up is Double Gems for the next two weeks...

Blog News

Go out and enjoy the new land and animal! Have fun and happy jamming!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Stack of Shelves

Hi Jammers! Today's new item is yet again another shelf sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store. They changed the shelf up a little and made it a stack of shelves...


The Daily Explorer posted a really long article about the winners of the News Crew Assignment. Here are some screenshots of the winners...
Little Bravegirl
Happy Shybrave

Expert Rockymoon
Arctic Wolf

Rosy Rockypenguin

There is also an Epic Den of the Week....
Congrats Little Icygirl!

AJHQ sent a pop-up message that was a little unusual yesterday...
Do you think that the Bunnies Only Party is not getting much attention? I know when I go there it is crowded. I think many jammers don't attend the Play Wild Party anymore.

Blog News

The Tunnel Town poll is over! Here are the results.....
I'm sad that a lot of people can't get it.
Finally after many weeks of waiting look what is coming...
There is a 99% chance that Kangaroos and the new land is coming tomorrow!! I am so pumped! ^o^ Have fun and happy jamming!!