
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seaweed and Kangaroo Gift Card

Hi Jammers! Sorry for posting late, I was on a family vacation! But I am back now. Anyway, the new returning item is seaweed hair! Sold underwater in Bahari Bargains...
The Daily Explorer posted an Epic Den of the Week...

Congrats, Awesome Funnyfox!

Rumor Reader

Kangaroos are hopping all over Jamaa! They are becoming more and more aware!! This gift card photo was released this week...

So far they are only sold in Australia... So if you are in America like I am, all we can do is wait! :( Oh well! That is all for today... Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Your Welcome! That is what I am here for :)

  2. do you know when they are comeing to America?

    1. Well nobody knows for 100% sure, except for AJHQ! But I have a big hunch that they will be introduced in stores and the Diamond Shop this Thursday!! I am super excited for the next Jamaa Journal because we could have a new animal, a new land, and new adventures!! :)

    2. Are you sure? How do you know for sure?

    3. they r sold in ebay i no i checked

    4. I love your blog Evan you cover everything

  3. pawprintsanders@gmail.comJune 17, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    Hello and whatever and something else!

  4. I wish the Diamond Shop didn't sell animals... I already spent $48 on gift cards and now they sell them which disappointed me.

    1. Sorry to hear that! The same thing happened to me!

    2. I got the three US of A gift cards and then AJHQ got the stupid idea of the diamond shop.... I was heckishly angry, but then I realized they, who buy from the diamond store don't get membership or 15,000 gems!!!!! :D pwned diamond buyers!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I got the snow leopard and Arctic wolf card for REAL MONEY! Now AJHQ pretty much SCAMMED me of my real money. Its not fair :(

      Im ShadowWolf13548

  5. Atleast I still have fun on AJ! same person --^

    1. I can't wait until we ( the US of A) gets the kangaroo. I spoooooo want it :(

  6. No use of finding it........ When will it come to America?

    1. Nobody knows for sure. Only AJHQ. Possibly the next update or so?? Sorry for not knowing for sure!!

  7. besides, animal jam midnight is my blog

  8. can you tell me every thing about the kangaroos?

    1. Kangaroo 3-month gift cards are only currently sold in Australia and New Zealand. They are coming with the New Land and will probably be sold at the Diamond Shop soon.

    2. Supposedly, the roo came out on July the 8 to the US of A, in select game stops, but I went to a game stop and the clerk looked for all the surrounding game stops to see if one had it, but nine did. :( so it was wrong.

  9. please? with a cheery on top?

  10. well i hope they come on thursday can't wait well i can

  11. kangaroos i seen one in the pillow room today and i followed him and he yelled at me he is a cranky kangaroo!

  12. i no where they r sold they r sold in ebay

  13. I saw 1 in the pillow room 2!

  14. Hi I am the person who said I saw 1 in the pillow room 2, plz add me I am Joosy04. There is also a kangaroo, his user: WildChicken123. Happy Jamming everyone! :D

  15. i love kangaroos i am buying a gift card soon can't wait i'm australian so i can buy one yay and my dads getting it for me at coles

  16. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so happy for kangaroos. Thanks for info.
    Friend me I'm epicjoy on animal jam

  17. I wish I was Australian

  18. Weeeeeeee! I
    Am getting mine on Saturday !!!! Sorry for all the non Australians I can give you advice DO NOT BUY IT FROM EBAY THEY COST A HECK OF ALOT OF MONEY WHILE YOU CAN GET IT ORIGINALLY FOR 16 dollars

  19. We are so glad to hear the news is spreading about kangaroos! They will soon be available in the United States at select GamesStops, but currently are in New Zealand and Australia in select EB Games. We introduced them into Australia and New Zealand first because Animal Jam is not that popular there, and we wanted them to get the party started with us!
    -From the AJHQ Team-

    1. Hey AJHQ, can you tell me what date they are coming to the US of A and if anyone says this isn't AJHQ, another blog had the EXACT SAME POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol and, could you also please make more gift cards, and GOOD FOR YOU for making it only in Australia and New Z, cause the US of A jammer a have ENOUGH GIFT CARDS!!! :)

  20. hi iam deme09 i like to know when kangrrose are coming out

  21. At first, I was really angry at AJHQ for making Australia and New Z get the Kangaroo first, but now I agree with AJHQ, because we American jammers got THREE WHOLE gift cards before the rest of the world, and the deserve al least ONE gift card before us American jammers. :) I am getting my username changed in AJ, so I can't have anyone friend me.. :)


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