
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Adventures Begin

Hey Jammers! The new item is a bird feeder! This time you can change the colors!!

 The Jamaa Journal came 2 days early this week! Suprise!!! Before I show you the Jamaa Journal I will show you this video! It is about the Adventures!!
Did you notice last week I gave you a coloring page of the Phantom Castle, which was featured in the Video :)   
Adventures begin.....

To start your adventures you can go tot the temple of zios, and go to the building that was locked up! Wow! We finally know what that building is!!! You can also start in the Parties Tab!!

Are you a member? Well once again you can become a beta tester for the adventures!! You can add your feedback by clicking the question mark bubble in the Base Camp!
The Base Camp, Training Grounds, and the Bunny Burrow adventures are currently only available. But there are more to come in the future!! Notice below it says it is just the beginning for the adventures!!

Once the adventures have been tested from the Members, Nonmembers will soon be able to go on adventures!! A lot of nonmembers are freaking out because they can't go on the adventures. Well, you can just not the first two this week! 

Also, AJHQ has announced about the Kangaroos! They are certainly coming with Cosmo, the koalas, and the new Australian Outback land!! My guess is that they will come the next Jamaa Journal!!
By the way I just played the adventures and they are soo fun!!!!
I got a beta bush as a prize!!!
Here is the updated Calendar in Jamaa Central...

Blog News:

Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. 1St comment + ANimal Jam Come BACK ONLINE!!!

  2. The bird feeder is back?! Ugh, this is somewhat frustrating. But I love the adventures!!!

    1. Ya I know..I love the adventures too! I enetered your contest, did you get my comment?

  3. COOL! i will have to beg my mom for membership though. Pretty much not, because she saw the way we wasted our membership

  4. I know a secret! YOu have to be an arctic wolf though... In the bunny one there this thing with arctic wolf floating over it. If you click it and you got one. Theres a passage way to a cave. You go in the cave and theres a chest! you click it and you get a prize! And maybe even a beta computer!

    1. I know that is a cool little secret! So far I have only gotten a bookcase, grass carpet, and a Koi Pond! Thanks!!

  5. Hey guys please buddy me i am ehapa63141and my buddy countdracula9180 needs a rare
    Worn so if u have one please gift the rare worn to her and FYI her rare worn got scammed


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