
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Diamonds Everywhere!?!?

What is this an extra Jamaa Journal? Yes!! We got an extra Jamaa was supposed to be next week! I wonder when we will have the next one!

The new item is in Epic Wonders! It is a Crystal Liza Statue!!

Anyway there is a new concept...Diamonds. It is basically another source of spending money, like gems or tickets! here is the Full Jamaa Journal....

All members receive 4 diamonds as a gift from AJHQ!! Thanks!!

You can find how many you have just like the rest! Hover your cursor over the gems at the top!
You might also get some more diamonds in the Daily Spin....

Well the Club Geoz didn't really get remodeled just added on to! See it is the same :)

And here is the new Diamond Shop!!!

Below are the shops and new items today!!

Above is a Screenshot I took inside the Diamond Shop! 
I can't tell you how much I LOVE THIS IDEA!! Thank you AJHQ now jammers can buy lions, pet monkeies, Tail Armor!! Wow!! The Daily Explorer posted articles on how diamonds are used....

Guess who had the picture above on their blog before diamonds came, me! Yes I had a clue to what was coming! Anyway have fun at the FULL Diamond Shop!! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Awesome dude!!

  2. I love your blog chocolate4050!

    P.S. I like how you had a picture on your title before it came out! Cool!

  3. Hi I love the diamond shop do you no any codes and my animal jam name is blackpop123

    1. I do know a lot actually! Visit the "Codes Tab" It is located at the top of the blog under the Title!! It has everything you need...if you still need help just ask! :)

  4. I hate the new update...


    1. I understand what you mean. Now Tail Armors and Clouds are not as rare and easier to get. Even though this was a good idea, I don't know if many Jammers are too fond of it...

  5. I hate the new update...


    1. I hate this update so much I payed real Money for my snow leopard and lion :(

      ~ zoooooo

    2. I get why you hate the update, but now you can buy old things, for an awesome new den! Also there is some clothing now!

  6. When is the weekly diamond thingy?

    1. Well since members got 4 diamonds on Thursday, then I am guessing it will be every Thursday but I am not 100% sure!!

    2. AJHQ has decided to change the diamond day to Tuesday! Thanks!!

  7. I like the idea of Diamonds, but non-members need to be able to buy some stuff at the shop too! All they can buy is gems and I think that is unfair.


  8. I agree, although I've heard people spreading rumors about AJHQ Making another kind of shop with items that non- members can buy too.

  9. aniaml jam scammed me the hq cause i got the arctic wolf plushie but then when i did it didn't let me move it so i got a glitch insted of something real it is weird i bought it

  10. I think the Diamond Shop is stupid.People that played AJ forever are being scammed by AJ.They spent a lot of time getting those items, and then AJ brings them out in stores.

  11. I hate it because now I have to pay more money just to get the stupid animals that used to come with the card. but instead you just get stupid diamonds, and only ten

  12. The new map is to kidish. i dont like it. The other thing i dont like is that it takes so long to get diamonds and it is hard to get it on the daily spin. agree?

  13. the code playfree gives you one diamond try it I just saw it today

  14. I hate it how everytime I go in there to buy something, I always see like 15 people white and dancing its not real and I don't see why the think that'll work because it's always non-members doing it


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