
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Become an Official AJSB Member

I am very very excited to announce that the Animal Jam Sky Blog will be recruiting new members! This means that you are an official part of the Animal Jam Sky Blog! The members will be split up into 4 main categories:

Animal Jam Sky Blog Photographers
Animal Jam Sky Blog Reporters
Animal Jam Sky Blog Artists
 Animal Jam Sky Blog Outreachers

Ok I will explain each, the Animal Jam Sky Blog Photographers go around Jamaa and take photos of jammers, dens, cool things, mysteries, and anything interesting! They will send me the photos through my email: 
Then we have the Animal Jam Sky Blog Reporters, they will go around Jamaa researching and finding new things they notice in Jamaa! 
Next we have the Animal Jam Sky Blog Artists who can draw pictures and send me drawings by other jammers to the email above!
 Finally we have the Animal Jam Sky Blog Outreachers their job is to go on social media cites, and other resources to spread the Animal Jam Sky Blog..All you have to do is say "Visit the Animal Jam Sky Blog", you can also go spread the word in Jamaa!

Now you can't just get in as a member of the AJSB automatically! If you want to be on the:

Animal Jam Sky Photographers: Comment your Animal Jam Username below and then send me a good picture that you personally took in Jamaa to my email above!
Animal Jam Sky Reporters: Comment your Animal Jam Username below and write a new thing you have noticed!
Animal Jam Sky Blog Artists: Comment your Animal Jam Username below and then send me a good photo you drew to my email above!
Animal Jam Sky Blog Outreachers: Comment your Animal Jam Username below and just explain how you are going to spread the word about this blog!

So jammers if you would like to be a member just follow the instructions above! If you have questions just comment! Have fun and happy jamming!!!


  1. Hey! My username is bubba01050 and I just play games on animal jam but I also am an explorer so I want to be an animal jam reporter. I noticed that the fall items has been on clearance and the epic tree has sprung and has a bird. I hope I can join!

    1. Sounds Great! You are officially an ANIMAL JAM SKY BLOG REPORTER! Go get some cool news :D

    2. hello! Im lolbrbxd179, I will be sending you a picture ive drawn to your email. Thanks for the chance to be on the AJSB!

    3. Great lolbrbxd179! I can't wait! Your pictures will be shown in the Animal Jam Sky Members Mini Blog.

  2. Hi!! My username is coolpaw5! I would like to be the blogs artist please! I will send you a picture I drew after this reply!! I hope you like it!!

    1. I love your picture! You are now an ANIMAL JAM SKY BLOG ARTIST!! You can send me pictures whenever you want and I will choose some to show off! :)

    2. Thanks so much!!! I will be sending pictures as much as I can!!!

    3. im thunderhowl and i would like to join sky blog i cant take screen shots and post htem here and will you get to typw when it come tom being a member on sky blog

    4. Hi Thunderhowl! Since you can't type or take screenshots, maybe you can become a Animal Jam Sky Blog Outreacher. They just spread the word about the blog, through Animal Jam, and social networks. See what you think and get back to me if you want to do something else! Thanks :)

  3. This is coolpaw5 again!
    I have a question, can I have more than one position?
    If I can, I will like to be a photographer please!
    I love taking pics around animal jam!
    Just hope I can! I will send you the pic soon!

    1. Sure you can! I love your picture! Remember: You don't need to send my images everyday, just like twice a week! Thanks!

    2. OK!
      I will definately tell other people about this blog!!!

    3. Great! Spread the word! :)

  4. Hello!!!
    My name is tunsax1! I WOULD LOVE TO BE THE BLOGS ARTIST. I will send you a picture soon!

    1. Hi, I loved your drawing! An the Animal Jam Sky Blog would love to have an Animal Jam Sky Artist like you! Your drawings will be shown in the Sky Art Mini Blog located on the right column! Thanks!

  5. Hello! My Username is qANDIEq and i would love to be a reporter! i have seen alot of things going on in jamaa! People are excited about the new kangaroo! and some people say that theirs going to be a new land! Animal Jam is starting to bring out Rare Den Items! So i hope i can be a member :)

    1. The Animal Jam Sky Blog would love to have you as an Animal Jam Sky Blog Reporter! Here is your responsibilities:

      Once or twice a week you can write an article about something new in Jamaa! (It doesn't have to be long, just like a paragraph) You may also take a picture if you want!
      I will add an Animal Jam Reporter Mini Blog ( with the other Mini Blogs located on the right column) sometime this week. To send your reports and pictures email me at:

      --Thanks! If you still have any questions comment below or email me :)

  6. i would love to be a part of the artist! I will send u a pic now!!!!!my user is paypayrod

    1. I didn't get your picture! Did you send it to Try resending it.

  7. hi my username is snowwhy I really want to be a animal jam reporter I will try to get a picture out to you soon!!!!!! by the way I love the blog

  8. Hey guys, Hershey87 here check out my website it has an animal jam part but it also has many other cool things and i am currently hosting a rare fox hat give away

  9. snowwhy again but I can't get to your email to get the picture out to you

  10. Why can't you get my email? It is

    1. I can't get it to come up every time I search it it won't show the right thing to click on I know I am confusing you lol:) by the way this is showwhy

    2. iloveaboyanothony you are DISOBEYING my rules, so if you keep acting like this I am going to have to not let you comment anymore! I'm sorry that it has to come like this! You have 1 warning.

    3. Snowwhy, I am confused about it to!?! Other jammers send me stuff all the time, so I don't know what to do. Do you have an email account already?

  11. iloveaboyanthony that was really rude of you I am snowwhy2000 and snowwhy is my sister so can you please stop it?!?

  12. no but my grandma has an email this is snowwhy

  13. Hi! My user is Wolflover12203 and i would like to be a AJ sky blog outreacher! I would spread the word by telling my friends to tell their friends and also go to the different lands and shout out "check out the AJ Sky Blog!! Its a Pawsome blog!" And more cool things about this blog.


    1. Great you are officially an Animal Jam Sky Blog Outreacher! Oh and a forewarning! For some reason when you type "blog" into Animal Jam it shows up on your screen but not anyone elses..It is weird, so you can say stuff like "Animal Jam Sky" or "Animal Jam Sky Bog" Thanks so much!!

    2. Also can i be a photographer? I have a nice screenshots! Just wondering cause i like taking photos! :)


    3. Sure! Just send them to my email at: and they will be featured in the new Sky Blog Reporters Mini blog!

  14. This is for reporters. Okay so my user is Zatox. I really have noticed everyone that sees a kangaroo crowds them and spreading like crazy! I have seen people ask the kangaroos where to get them. Thanks Scooter!

    1. Great Job! Just send reports to my email at: and they will be featured in the new Sky Blog Reporters Mini blog!

    2. Thank you! :3
      I would be more than happy to. :)

  15. I would love to be an outreacher! I can tell my buddies and post the link on other blogs :)

  16. I would love to be a photographer! I will send you a picture soon.

    1. Ok Thanks! Your photographs will be featured on the Sky Blog Reporters Mini Blog(Located on the Right Column)

  17. My username is GoldenHunter7, I want to be an AJSB reporter and I noticed that when you click the Jamma map and click the shopping thingy... When you look at the diamond shop not a shop icon comes up but a diamond does! Thanks Scooter

    1. I would love to have you as a AJSB Reporter! All you have to do is once in a while send a report to my email ( You may also include a picture with your report if you want. Your reports will be featured in the "Sky Blog Reporters" Mini Blog (Located on the right column with the other Mini Blogs)


  18. Hi Scooter!!
    Cheesewedge here!
    I would really like to be a Photographer and help around once in a while!
    I'll send you the picture!
    Cheesewedge :{D

    1. Great! I would love to have you as an AJSB Photograher! Your images will be featured on the Sky Blog Reporters Mini Blog (Located on the right column with the other Mini Blogs)


  19. i would also like to join sky blog as a news REPORTER

  20. my user name is thunderhowl and im at your den HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOOTER

  21. i will be a reporter to i have a email and i will use it to send you recent reports

  22. oh i read the think about the news spreader stuff i will do that and a reporter would also be a great thing for me i will try sending screen shots to you later in the year but right now i will type (on the email)

  23. thats awesome i will find some juicy news

  24. Hi there! My username is Link4154, and I am a huge fan of your site. Can you please look at mine, Also, if its okay, I really like your idea of Glitch Corner and would like to use it.

    P.S., what is your username? I would like to donate.

  25. Hi can I be part of your crew I'm myfox20 jam a gram me bye I'm a BIG FAN

  26. Hi!!! I was wondering if i could be a Photographer. However Im Not sure if its possible due to me being a Nonmember. My Username Is Spirit113. Please Jag me!

    1. p.s i'll send u the picture asap


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