
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jam Session

Hello Jammers!! The Jamaa Journal is here and there is some good news and some bad news!!! Just check out the first page....
It is a cool Jam Session! I am kind of confused if it is a new party of not because it isn't listed on the party tab! Oh well they might add it later!!

With the new Jam Session you can buy cool instruments at the Jam Session Shop, so this means it is a party!! Also, they had to post about the monthly member gifts..

Now it is time for the bad news..Elephants, rhinos, and giraffes are LEAVING!! Geesh! First koalas but now almost all the African animals!! This must be leading up to something big!!!! But now you have a few weeks to get them all so you don't loose them!

And there is a new contest to enter! It is a photo booth contest!!! If you want to know all about the new photo booth I have posted a video awhile ago, here is the link:

ALL jammers can grow their very own gardens! Just stop in the Jam Mart Furniture Store and buy these new items so far...

And the Summer Carnival is coming soon! I wonder if AJHQ has read my blog because I just recently posted about how I missed the Summer Carnival! I am sooo excited! :)

Here is the updated calendar in Jamaa Central:
It says above that the Summer Carnival might come out May 10th!!!
Also, it says that wind rider is double gems this two weeks!!

Also, I just wanted to show you the new item on clearance:
That's all of the Jamaa Journal these 2 weeks! Our Animal Jam Sky Blog poll of your favorite Alpha is OVER! The winner is Peck the Rabbit!!  And there is new Awesome Jammer Art posted in the Awesime Jammer Art tab! Have fun and happy jamming!


  1. Hey!
    The jam Session is on at the moment but you have to come at the right time to see it. It isn't on as often as some of the other parties.

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