
Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Animal Jam Year of 2016

Happy New Year's Eve!
Today is the last day of 2016, so this post will be a little different.
We will look back at everything that happened in 2016, and predict what will happen in 2017.

First, lets begin with the last Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December...
It is a Snowflake Balloon, and you will also receive one diamond. Wow, the Daily Jamaaliday Gifts surely went by fast this year!

The new item is a Knitted Sweater...
You can purchase this for 550 gems in the Hot Cocoa Hut. Here are all of the colors:

Let us look back at the year of 2016, with the three biggest events:

#3. New Animals

The New Animals of 2016 were... how do I put this... UNUSUAL!
We got wacky animals like sloths, toucans, and lemurs, and stinky animals like llamas, goats, and pigs. Not to mention the Arctic Foxes, which are basically a small version of Arctic Wolves.
The New Animals come in 3rd place for Animal Jam's 2016 Biggest Changes.

#2. New Pets

2016 was the year for the pets! I couldn't fit them all into the graphic I created above because there were so many new ones, such as meerkats, armadillos, goats, elephants, peacocks, hippos, ferrets, phantoms, and many more. Most of the new pets were available through gift card promotions. The New Pets come in 2nd place for Animal Jam's 2016 Biggest Changes.

#1. New Features

The number one biggest change to Animal Jam of 2016 is the New Features. First off, masterpieces and art galleries have taken over Jamaa (in a positive way). Second, trading has changed. It used to be only trading den and clothing items. Now you have the opportunity to trade den and clothing items, masterpieces, and even your own pets! There are also other features like the Message Wall, Jammer Icons in dens, new dens like Pixel Palace and Peck's Den, and much much more! That is why the New Features come in 1st Place to the Animal Jam Sky Blog's List of Animal Jam's 2016 Biggest Changes.

Not to mention the Animal Jam Sky Blog returning in 2016! That is a big change ;)

We anticipate the new year of 2017 holds, and have already found out that we will have a Message in the Bottle event, a new animal to start off the year right, and even a new Members Daily Spin!

Comment Call: What was your favorite part about Animal Jam in 2016? What new features do you think will come to Animal Jam in 2017?

Sky News

In Sky News, the Animal Jam Sky Blog's New Year Fashion Show starts tomorrow!
So sign up today by 3:00 PM EST before it is too late!

I know that a lot of you were unsure about joining the fashion show. Please, I urge you to just join!
It is fun and simple to join! We will vote respectively someone out every day, and the winner will win a prize. It is a way for everyone to be involved and have fun. We need more spots filled, so if you know any buddies who you think might want to join please tell them. I need to know if you are joining for sure by 3:00 PM EST today! The theme is New Year's, but if you can't dress up as the theme, just wear your best dressed (dress up cool). I hope you all will join!

No Shake-It-Up Saturday segment today because of New Year's.

I am predicting that there might be a Jamaa Journal tomorrow, but we will just have to wait and see!
See you next year (tomorrow)!
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Friday, December 30, 2016

New Year's Celebrations

Hey Jammers!
I have a great post for you today about New Year's, plus the surprise is revealed just below.
New Year's came a little early this year on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. We will be having a 3-Day New Year's Celebration starting today until January 1st, 2017.
The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December for today is a Snowman Fridge...
I bet there are tasty treats in there! Tomorrow is the last Jamaaliday Gift!
The new item of the day is located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store again...

It is a winter hood that goes with yesterday's new item the winter jacket!
Here are the color variations:

I have an exclusive look at the New Year's Party 2017...
It looks the same as last year, except with mostly different items.
The Music Shop at the New Year's Party looks like this:
This looks the same, while the Clothing Store has different items:
Lastly, the Den Store has 2017 items too:
Find this new old party on your Party List and catch it before it is gone!

Rumor Reader

Today's Rumor Reader is New Year's themed!
There are a lot of rumors about new things that are coming to Animal Jam in 2017, including:
- Members Daily Spin
- New Animals (Click here to read more)
- New Dens and Parties
- New Adventures (Dealing with the Message in the Bottle event)

Not only do we anticipate all of these new features, there is also a glitch that many people believe will stick around in 2017, which is the Magenta Items Glitch.
Basically, the glitch is that there is a secret magenta color on some items that turns the whole item magenta. The glitch used to be active, then it was patched by AJHQ, but some jammers believe that they can get it working again. We will have to keep watch in 2017 about these new features and glitches!

Check out tomorrow's New Year's Eve Post right here on the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

We will be talking about the top 3 Biggest Changes of Animal Jam in 2016, and much more!

Sky News


The Coming Soon is the Animal Jam Sky Blog's New Years Fashion Show!
Yes, fashion shows are back on the blog. 
If you are new to the blog, fashion shows are where you dress up (theme = New Year's), and we vote on who looks the best. It is fun, and if you win you will get a prize!

Tell your friends so we have a lot of people join! Comment below or email me your username and the animal you dressed up's name.

The Fashion Show starts right here on the blog on January 1st, 2016!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Animal Jam Sky Facebook

Hello Animal Jammers!
Today is a special day because a new Jamaa Journal has been issued!
The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December of the day is Snowflake Stepping Stones.

Brr! You are going to need this for the winter weather!
You will also receive one diamond for today.

The new item of the day is a Winter Jacket

You can purchase one of these in the Jam Mart Clothing Store. Here are all of the colors:

In Crystal Sands, there is another Message in a Bottle...

It is located this time on the right waterfront, and says this inside:

SO CLOSE! Just tell us who he is?!
The gift that comes with it is a Mystery Portrait...

I will definitely keep you posted as we find out more information.

Comment Call: Who do you think "he" is?

Sadly, there was no Jamaa Journal today, but maybe next Thursday.

Sky News

Guess what, Jammers? The Animal Jam Sky Blog is now on Facebook!
Like us on Facebook now!

Tomorrow, the Coming Soon will finally be revealed...
The three hints were:
Hint #1.) It has something to do with clothes.
Hint #2.) You are involved.
Hint #3.) You have to vote.

Be sure to tell your buddies to check out tomorrow's great post, and remember to come back tomorrow right here only on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Poofy Bow Art

Hey Jammers, I have a great post for you today!
The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December is Poofy Rug!
This is a great winter item for all jammers; however, this is a glitch!
There is actually no Yeti face on the Poofy Rug.

Item Spotlight

The Item Spotlight of the Week shines on Jamaaliday Bows...
The Jamaaliday Bow was first introduced in the Beta Times, during the first Jamaalidays event back in December of 2010. They were sold during the Jamaalidays in the Jam Mart Clothing Store until December 2013, and have never returned. There is a rumor that there are secret dark red and dark green color variants of this item.

Rarity: **** (4/5 Stars)
Status: Members, Land
Rare Version: Yes
Popularity: ***** (5/5 Stars)

You can win a Jamaaliday Bow in the Adventure The Forgotten Desert, and if you would like help on this adventure remember to check out the Animal Jam Sky's Adventure Guide!

Sky News

In Sky News, I wanted to share a picture from FloraCutegirl...
Great job! She emailed me her Sky Art, and now her art is displaying on the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog! Your art can be on there too, just email me at

The winner of yesterday's Discover Day was Addygym! Congratulations on being the first one to correctly answer where the image was found on Animal Jam!

In just 2 more days, the Coming Soon will be revealed...
Hint #3: You have to vote.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ice Fence

Hello Jammers!
The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December for today is an Ice Fence.

Cool! Sadly, the daily gifts are almost coming to a close!
The new item of the day is located in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...

It is the ever-famous Hanging Snowflake for only 100 gems!

Discover Day

Today's Discover Day is the image below:
If you know where the image above is located, simply comment below the location and your username. If you are the first one to answer correctly, you will be featured in tomorrow's post! Good Luck!

Comment Call: Where is the location above?

This Discover Day will be the last one, because I have decided to replace it with Epic Sky Dens of the Week, where your den ideas will be featured! Do you think you have an Epic Den?

Comment Call: Enter to be an Epic Sky Den by commenting your username below!

Sky News

In 3 short days, the surprise will be revealed...
Hint #2: You are involved.

PLEASE continue to tell your friends about the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
We are almost to 900,000 views! Thank you for your help.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Icicle Sketches

Hey everyone!
Christmas is over, but the Jamaalidays continue until the rest of the month.
The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December for today is Icicle Lights...
If you click the icicles, thy will light up! Pawesome!
The new item located in... Well...

I can't find the new item of the day!

Did AJHQ forget?!
Maybe they are taking a day off for Christmas!

Scooter's Sketches

Today's Scooter's Sketches are about winter and the Jamaalidays!
The first sketch is a Yak in the Himalayas...
Funny little guy, just nibbling on some grass.
The second sketch is a quick Jamaaliday doodle that I made...
...since last week you commented that I should sketch something relating to the Jamaalidays.

If you would like to send in your art, it will be displayed on the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog.

Sky News

Today is the last day to vote in the poll located on the right side column!

Speaking of Polls... there is another one on the right side column.

Remember in just 4 short days I will announce what is coming soon:
Hint: It has something to do with clothes.

Comment Call: What could the "Coming Soon..." be?

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Jamaaliday Extraveganza

Merry Christmas Sky Jammers!

Today is the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Jamaaliday Extravaganza Post!
The Christmas day post with fun extras, contest winners, and much more!

The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December is a Hat and Beard...

A pink one again, AJHQ! o.o
At least, you will also receive a diamond with this great gift!
The new item is a  located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store...
It is a Jamaaliday Tree Hat, which comes in seven colors:

The New Message in the Bottle of the day says:

When you open the present icon, you will receive a phantom gift!

Hopefully, they will join us soon, since this Message in the Bottle event has been going on since October! To claim this prize remember that the message in the bottle is located in Crystal Sands.

Simple find the bottle and click it!

The Poll results are in, and here are the results...
Your favorite part about the Jamaalidays is the exclusive items available during the Holiday season. Great choice, Sky Jammers!
Remember that you can still vote in the other poll located on the right sidebar of the blog.

This Week

This Week in Jamaa's History...
The Gingerbread House and Gingerbread Treehouse Item were introduced.
Do you remember when Members received Monthly Membership Gifts?
The Gingerbread House is a great den, and recently they introduced a newer and bigger version of this Christmas edible den.

Sky News

In Sky News, something is Coming Soon...

What could it be? I will announce this Animal Jam Sky tradition later this week.

The winner of the Jamaaliday Jingle Contest is Graciepopstar91.
Here is her submission:

Jamaaliday bells, Jamaaliday bells, Jamaaliday all the way!
Oh that fun it is to ride on a one-toucan open sleigh!
Dashing through the snow, on a one-toucan open sleigh,
Or the Township we go, giggling all the way!
Bells on Lost Temple of Zios ring, making spirits.. Festive XD

Remember, God made YOU!

Congratulations, I chose this submission because it shows the fun Jamaaliday spirit while revealing the true meaning of Christmas! If you want your prize, please set up a time to meet with me in Animal Jam by commenting below or emailing me.

If you want to get even more gifts on Animal Jam, try going to the Sky Blog's Code Page..
Enter the codes in Jamaa, and win gems and gifts!

Comment Call: What did you get for Christmas? Any traditions in your family?

I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas Day! Merry Christmas!
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!